Creating Tenants in Acronis Management Portal

Creating Tenants in Acronis Management Portal

Creating a Reseller as Tenant in Acronis Portal

When a new account is created in Cloud BSS, it can be synced with Acronis by setting his Synchronization Options.

  1. Open the details page for the account you want to synchronize with Acronis.
  2. Press the link next to Provisioning Sync Status field. The pop-up with a list of the available provisioning systems will be displayed. Select Acronis (service manager instance name) > Sync Options.
  3. Set the following values:
    1. Parent Account: They have as a parent you, the MSP, so the field must remain empty for your reseller. 
    2. Role: Set Reseller for your reseller.
    3. Username: Set a unique username for your reseller. We suggest using a unique name or email address, but different from the email that will be used for the Email field that follows.
    4. Email: Set a unique email that will also be the login email for the Acronis portal. 
  4. Press Save & Synchronize

For the reseller, we do perform actual provisioning when the "save & synchronize" action is selected. The reseller will be created as a new tenant in the Acronis portal and he will also receive an email from Acronis for activating his account.

The reseller will be created in Acronis with the following configuration:

    • When a Reseller is synchronized successfully, a new Tenant of type Partner is created under the MSP (Partner Tenant) in the Acronis Portal.
    • Therefore, an Acronis user account is created in the Acronis Portal for the reseller with a read-only administrative role of the following services (protection & file sync-share).
      • More specifically, the read-only administrative roles are the following three:

    • Since the reseller has limited administrative permissions (read-only) they are not being able to add new tenants or enable/disable predefined ordering items through the Acronis portal.
    • Depending on the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud services that the MSP has made available, we enable the exact same services and offering items per service with both billing modes, for the resellers (Partner Tenants).
    • However, resellers can manage the available services for their end customers.

Creating a Direct Customer as Tenant in Acronis Portal

When a new account is created in Cloud BSS, it can be synced with Acronis by setting his Synchronization Options.

  1. Open the details page for the account you want to synchronize with Acronis.
  2. Press the link next to Provisioning Sync Status field. The pop-up with a list of the available provisioning systems will be displayed. Select Acronis (service manager instance name) > Sync Options.
  3. Set the following values:
    1. Parent Account: They have as a parent you, the MSP, so the field must remain empty for your reseller.
    2. Role: Set User for your direct customer.
    3. Username: Set a unique username for your customer. We suggest using a unique name or email address, but different from the email that will be used for the Email field that follows.
    4. Email: Set a unique email that will also be the login email for the Acronis portal. 
  4. Press Save & Synchronize

No actual provisioning will take place for your direct customers when you save the sync options. Although we will display the BSS account as synced in our system, we will not create yet a tenant in the Acronis portal. The actual provisioning will take place only when an Acronis subscription will be created for this account. The reason we are following this approach is that we need to know the type of service the customer has purchased in order to open a production tenant

When the actual provisioning takes place, during the creation of a subscription, the direct customer will be created in Acronis with the following configuration:

  • When a direct customer is synchronized successfully, a new Tenant of type Customer is created under the MSP (Partner Tenant) in the Acronis Portal.
  • The Acronis user account is in production mode. Also, the user account that is created in the Acronis Portal for the Customer Tenant takes the role of Company Administrator to have full access in managing the services.
  • There are unlimited resources for Protection and File Share & Sync services for the direct customer inside the Acronis portal.

Creating an End Customer of a Reseller as Tenant in Acronis Portal

For syncing the end customer of a reseller, do the following:

  1. Sync first the reseller of the end customer with Acronis. Check the instructions in the previous paragraph.
  2. Open the details page of the account you want to synchronize with Acronis. 
  3. Press the link next to Provisioning Sync Status field. The pop-up with a list of the available provisioning systems will be displayed. Select Acronis > Sync Options.
    1. Set the following values:
      1. Parent Account: This field defines the parent under which the tenant in the Acronis portal will be created
        • Reseller’s end-customers: They have as parent their Reseller, so this field takes automatically and by default the bill to account (reseller) under which the end-customer will be synchronized. Please note that the reseller should be already synced with Acronis.
      2. Role: Set the User value.
      3. Username: Set a unique username for the end customer.
      4. Email: Set a unique email for the end customer.
  4. Press Save & Synchronize

No actual provisioning will take place when you save the sync options of a reseller's end customer. Although we will display the BSS account as synced in our system, we will not create yet a tenant in the Acronis portal. The end-customer will be created as a new tenant in the Acronis portal underneath the reseller's tenant when the first Acronis subscription will be created for this end-customer.

When the actual provisioning takes place, during the creation of a subscription, the reseller's end customer will be created in Acronis with the following configuration:

  • When a reseller's end customer is synchronized successfully, a new Tenant of type Customer is created under the Reseller (Partner Tenant) in the Acronis Portal.
  • The Acronis user account is in production mode. Also, the user account that is created in the Acronis Portal for the Customer Tenant takes the role of Company Administrator to have full access in managing the services.
  • There are unlimited resources for Protection and File Share & Sync services that the end-customer can configure in the Acronis portal.

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