Subscription Import Error Handling
This page contains the possible scenarios in which subscription importing may fail. Importing subscriptions may fail for any of the reasons listed in the following table:
Message | Cause | Result | Affected Subscriptions |
Product with offer Id :<id> not found. The product may be discontinued by Microsoft. | Commercial legacy products from product types Microsoft Cloud Services & Microsoft Dynamics, are now discontinued, therefore the platform will not find these SKUs | Import will fail. | Legacy |
Product with offer Id :<id> not found | The product is either inactive, discontinued by Microsoft, or has been deleted from the system. | The subscription will fail, but the account/contact is created normally. | Legacy/NCE |
More than one products found (<BBS_ID1>, <BBS_ID2>, <BBS_ID3>) for offer Id : MPC_offerID | More than one products are related to the offer id | The subscription will fail, but the account/contact is created normally. | Legacy/NCE |
No conversion rate can be found for the subscription. Please fill in a conversion rate on the New Commerce Experience Currency Selection & Conversion tool and try import process again. | When the currency of an NCE subscription cannot be found in the MS price sheet of the country (e.g. USD in pricelist of Germany) and there is no conversion rate for this currency on the New Commerce Experience Currency Selection & Conversion for the specific instance | The subscription import will fail this action will be logged. | NCE |
Billing plans not enabled for the product with offer id: <id> for the specific Billing Cycle: <Billing Cycle> and Billing Term: <Billing term>. Please enable the “Enable NCE Billing Frequency” option on the respective instance and try the import process again. | The billing plans for the product to be imported are not enabled | The subscription will fail, but the account is created normally. | NCE |
Billing plans are not enabled on this organization. Please enable billing plans and try the import process again. | Billing plans are not enabled as an option on a country tenant organization, when the import happens on an inherited instance of the organization | Any NCE subscription with billing plans will have to fail, but the account creation happens normally. | NCE |
Communication with the external system's automatic pricing has been lost. Please retry later... | Error in communication with external pricing | Import fails | NCE |
WARNING: The pricing of the subscription may not be correct due to its start date being older than 6 months ago. We are unable to retrieve the actual cost & sell price of the product, therefore the latest available price is utilized. Try edit the pricing of the imported subscription to fix its pricing. | When importing an NCE subscription with start date older than 6 months ago, whose pricing will not be correct. | The import will happen normally, this action is logged. | NCE |
Product with offer Id :<id> cannot be imported because we do not support software subscriptions. | Software subscriptions are not supported by the importer | The imports will fail, but the respective account will be normally created. | Software Subscriptions |
Import of subscription was not successful, since changes have been scheduled for the specific subscription. Please remove the scheduled changes and try again. | Subscriptions containing scheduled changes are not yet supported by the importer. You need to first remove the scheduled changes and try again to import the specific subscriptions. | The imports of the subscription will fail, but the respective account will be normally created. | NCE |