Ordering a PPU Product & Add-ons

Ordering a PPU Product & Add-ons

In this page we briefly analyze the main differences and expected (user interface) behaviors when ordering Pay Per Use (PPU) products and add-ons in relation to ordering products and add-ons that are prepaid and not based on usage.


Ordering a Product with PPU Charge via BSS

When ordering a product with a PPU charge through the BSS platform, you are unable to select the product quantity. Also, you should expect the following behavior:

  • The Quantity field is disabled. Instead, the text PPU is shown.

  • A green informative disclaimer is shown underneath the product stating, ‘This product is billed based on usage’

  • All other fields in the ordering form remain active

  • The Unit Price is displayed. 

  • The Discount is displayed (whenever applicable).

  • The Total amount is set to zero (0), and this means that the product will not be billed now. 


Subscription Creation for a PPU Product 

Once a subscription to a PPU product is created in BSS either manually or via the Order Execution option, the following will occur:

  • The Quantity of the Subscription is, by default, 0. It can be set to 1 afterwards by utilizing the Usage Data Import Tool.

  • The actions Upgrade & Downgrade are not available. 

  • In the Subscription view page, a green ribbon displays the following informative message, ‘This subscription is billed based on usage’.


PPU Add-ons for PPU Subscriptions

Assigning Add-ons to PPU Products

You can assign add-ons to PPU products exactly as you do for prepaid products. These add-ons might then be set either as “usage charges” or not.


Adding Add-ons to a Subscription

Adding an Add-on via the BSS Subscription View

A BSS user can add an add-on to a PPU subscription. At this point, only the add-ons that are not “usages charges” are available to be added.


Creating a BSS Order for PPU Add-ons

When a PPU product is added to an order, all available add-ons are displayed below the Order Item pop-up window and can be selected.

In order to add an add-on as an order item inside an order, it should not be set as a “usages charges” to either a PPU product inside the order or an existing subscription containing a PPU product, in order for that add-on to be available for selection.


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