Ordering a PPU Product - New

Ordering a PPU Product - New

In this page, we briefly analyze the main differences and expected (user interface) behaviors when ordering Pay Per Use (PPU) products in relation to ordering products that are prepaid and not based on usage.


Ordering a Product with PPU Charge via BSS

When ordering a product with a PPU charge through the BSS platform, you are unable to select the product quantity. Also, you should expect the following behavior:

  • The Quantity field is disabled. Instead, the text PPU is shown.

  • A green informative disclaimer is shown underneath the product stating, ‘This product is billed based on usage’

  • All other fields in the ordering form remain active

  • The Unit Price is displayed. 

  • The Discount is displayed (whenever applicable).

  • The Total amount is set to zero (0), and this means that the product will not be billed now. 


Subscription Creation for a PPU Product 

Once a subscription to a PPU product is created in BSS either manually or via the Order Execution option, the following will occur:

  • The Quantity of the Subscription is, by default, 0. It can be set to 1 afterwards, by utilizing either the Usage Data option or the Usage & Billing Data option of the Import Tool.

  • The actions Upgrade & Downgrade are not available. 

  • In the Subscription view page, a green ribbon displays the following informative message, ‘This subscription is billed based on usage’.