Managing Invoice Statuses & Types

Managing Invoice Statuses & Types

This page offers information on the default Invoice Statuses and Invoice Types that govern the nature and state of each Invoice in BSS and Storefront.


Invoice Types

Under BSS Setup > Billing > Invoices > Invoice Types is where the default Invoice Types exist. These types dictate the nature of an Invoice (either credit or debit). For our platforms to run correctly having a basic functionality, the following Invoice Types always exist and are locked by default in an organization. No new Invoice Types can be created, nor can existing ones be deleted. The only editable field of the invoice types is their Description.

  1. Credit Invoice: A credit invoice is issued by our systems when we need to provide our client with a discount or a refund or to correct a previous invoicing error.

  2. Debit Invoice: A debit invoice is issued by our systems when there is a need to charge the client for products and/or services purchased.

Invoice Statuses

Under BSS Setup > Billing > Invoices > Invoice Status is where the default Invoice Statuses exist. These statuses dictate the various stages of an Invoice created either from the BSS and/or the Storefront. For our platforms to run correctly having a basic functionality, the following Invoice Statuses always exist and are locked by default in an organization since no new Invoice Statuses can be created, nor can existing ones be deleted. The only editable field of the invoice statuses is their Description.

Default Invoice Statuses

  1. Unpaid: It is the default status for a new debit invoice.

  2. Paid: An debit invoice changes automatically to this status when a payment or a credit invoice is linked with the debit invoice.

  3. Canceled: You can use this status for canceling an invoice and exclude it from the customer’s balance.