Activate PayU Gateway

Activate PayU Gateway

interworks.cloud offers a straightforward facility to configure the PayU payment gateway. After acquiring your account to PayU, you can activate it in your BSS for accepting credit card payments from your customers.

Acquire Api Keys from PayU Account

For getting the API Keys you should create a new account on PayU official site {+}PayU Sanbox Registration. After you have logged in you can find your keys in My eshops → Pos → Configuration Keys for example:

Configure PayU as  Payment Gateway

Follow the steps below for configuring PayU gateway in your BSS:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Administration > System options > Payment Gateways and click Add  

  1. Expand the drop-down list and select PayU
  2. A new pop-up screen will appear where you will fill in the test PayU account details you collected from PayU site.
    1. Enter the test and live keys that you have obtained from PayU
    2. Check the Is Active box
  3. Click Save Gateway

When you have completed the testing of the environment you can go Live by checking the Live Mode box.
Now that the PayU gateway is activated in Cloud BSS, the last step is to create a payment method that will use the PayU gateway.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Administration > System Options > Payment Methods
  2. Create a new payment method of type Credit Card and PayU as the selected Payment Gateway

Testing PayU Payment Gateway

For testing the gateway, you must do the following:

  1. Make sure that you have unchecked the option "Live Mode" in the PayU details page
  2. Use one of the following test credit cards

    Cards on sandbox.

    In order to test card payments on sandbox, please use the following credentials.

    Card issuerNumberMonthYearCVV3-D SecureBehavior
    Visa44443333222211110121123noPositive authorization
    MasterCard54340210168240140121123noPositive authorization
    Maestro50998022111656180121123noPositive authorization. CVV is not required in single click payments (PayU | Express)
    Visa40120010371411120121123yesPositive authorization
    Maestro50001050181265950121123noNegative authorization
    Visa40003982843600121123noNegative authorization

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