Notifications and Reports for Bundle Subscription

Notifications and Reports for Bundle Subscription

The Notifications, as well as the Reports of Bundle subscriptions, have everything in common with a normal subscription's notifications and reports except for the merge fields that are only applicable only to Bundles. 

Notifications and Reports 

The notifications and reports of the Bundle subscriptions are very similar to the notifications and reports of the simple subscriptions. However, the differentiator factor is that the Bundle products will be handled by the following merge fields.

  • Bundle Product: This merge field contains the Bundle's product name.
  • Bundle Subscription ID: This merge field contains the Bundle's subscription ID.
  • Is Bundle Subscription: This merge field takes the values (0, 1) for the Notifications and (No, Yes) for the Reports and becomes 1 or Yes only when it addresses the subscription of the Bundle. 
  • Is Bundle Sub-Subscription: This merge field takes the values (0, 1) for the Notifications and (No, Yes) for the Reports and becomes 1 or Yes only when it addresses a sub-subscription of the Bundle. 

These merge fields are visible in the notifications as well as the reports under the "Subscriptions" optionsin order for the BSS user to utilize them accordingly.  

The BSS users can create notifications and reports according to the right merge fields, analyzed above. Therefore, with these merge fields, the BSS user will be able to get separate notifications and reports for the Bundle subscription and the provisioned sub-products or even find out how many BSS accounts have subscriptions as well as sub-subscriptions for the same product. 

Notification Example

This is how the merge fields can be utilized for example, inside a custom notification that internally informs the responsible user of every Office 365 license sold via a Bundle. This exemplary notification can be created by navigating to BSS Setup > Administration > Notifications > Customer Notifications > New Notification button.

Therefore, by utilizing the different "Merge Fields", mentioned previously, every notification email can be set up in such a way as to foster the Bundle product notification activities that derive from BSS and Storefront. 

Report Example

For including in your subscription report the specific fields we are having for the Bundle subscriptions and sub-subscriptions, the BSS user must enable at least one of the corresponding checkboxes, depending on the user's needs.

The BSS user can enable for example the "Bundle Product" and "Bundle Subscription ID" in order to include them in your Bundle subscriptions and sub-subscriptions report, as exemplified in the following image.

For including in the report only the Bundle subscription, the BSS user can define one condition, which is the following: "Is Bundle Subscription" is equal to "Yes". 

Depending on the graph-type selected during the fourth step of the report's creation, and the selection of X and Y axis values, the results of the report will be drawn accordingly. 

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