Manage Users

Manage Users

As an interworks.cloud BSS administrator, you have the ability to simplify user management through interworks.cloud platform. interworks.cloud BSS users are the internal users of your organization that participate in the business processes you run in interworks.cloud BSS. Typical paradigms are the product manager, the account manager, the support engineer or the members of your finance department.

Users List

 All the interworks.cloud BSS users can be managed through BSS Setup > Administration > Users > Users List.  On the users list you can find all the necessary information related to interworks.cloud BSS users, such as their username & email.  There is also a Last Login column, which gives you better visibility into user activity in your interworks.cloud platform.


                                                                                                     1. Users List Page

Add a New User

 On the users-list page, through the "Add" option, you can create a new user, by providing the required information. These are the user's credentials that will be used by him in order to gain access to the BSS platform. By default, the new user will be added as "Active User". This implies that the user can log in to BSS platform as an authorized user. Click "Save" to add him to the list of BSS users.

For more information regarding the creation of a new user with the single-sign-on (SSO) mechanism, please continue to the Login Flows & User Registration in BSS page.

                                                                                 2. User-Detailed Page

Assign a User to a Group

Groups allow you to manage the group membership for a number of users simultaneously. In order to assign a user to a group, click on the "Add" option in the "Groups" section, and specify the desired group in the pop up window. Click "insert" to complete the assignment. 

                                                                             3. Group Assignment

User Access Rights

By default, the created user has permission to access every module in the interworks.cloud platform, but as an interworks.cloud platform administrator, you can easily adjust the access rights by un-checking the corresponding modules in the "User Permissions" section. Using permissions you can give to each user access only to the modules that are necessary for the role he poses in your organization.

  1. Give access to specific modules. By checking the respective boxes next to the desired module, the administrator can allow/block access. 
  2. Give records creation access. By checking the 'Creation Permissions' checkbox the user is allowed to create an entity. 
  3. Give access to special fields. The 'Display Special Fields' area offers access to specialized functionality like balances, prices, etc.

                                                                                                4. User Access Rights

Unable to create an active user due to exceeded License

In case of reaching your licenses' user limit in interworks.cloud BSS, every time you create a new user, the option ''virtual user'' will be automatically enabled, without having the option to disable it. 

If you wish to move to a higher user tier, you can purchase a new license for the number of users who will be using the interworks.cloud BSS.

Otherwise, if your users list includes active users that no longer need to access BSS, you can disable or delete them in order to replace them with new ones.

Disable an active BSS user

This feature is useful when an interworks.cloud BSS user leaves an organization or no longer needs to have access to interworks.cloud BSS. From the users-list page, select the user that you want to deactivate. On the user detailed page, clear the active check - box and click on the "Save" button in order to save the changes. 

To mention that if a deactivated interworks.cloud BSS user rejoins the organization at some point in the future, his user account can be easily re-activated, just by enabling the "Active User" option.

Delete a user from BSS platform

In order to remove a user from your users list, click on the "Delete" option displayed on the user detailed page or on the users list page by selecting the user through the corresponding check-box.  

Update the information of a BSS user

As an interworks.cloud BSS administrator you can proceed with changes to any user details, such as username, password etc. These changes are applied immediately. From the users list page, click on the user of your choice and on the user detailed page make the necessary changes.

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