Log Records

Log Records

There are some actions within the cloud platform that demand the consent of the customer before being affected. Cloud platform maintains a complete log of such consents and provides an interface to access them. On this page, we guide you on locating any required event.

Terms of Use Log Files

During any kind of order through interworks.cloud online portal,  end-users may be asked to acknowledge their consent to specific products or services 'Terms of Use'. System admins can configure this by uploading or editing terms of use, and linking them to the products or services required. Once activated, any order will only be allowed to be completed once the Storefront user consent has been given. The system stores the information, which can then be retrieved from a system admin.

To access the terms of use log file, you must navigate to BSS Setup > Tools, select "Products Terms of Use - Get Logs" and do the following:

  1. Click on 'Run Tool'.

  2. A list of the log entries will be displayed: 

    1. Product Name: The Order SKU's name
    2. Order Code: BSS order code
    3. Account Name: BSS Account name
    4. User First Name: Storefront User contact info
    5. User Last Name:Storefront User contact info
    6. User Email:  Storefront User contact info
    7. Username:  Storefront User contact info
    8. URL: The URL of the product basket at the Storefront
    9. IP Address: the IP Address of the device that routed the consent
    10. Browser: The browser/version of the device that routed the consent
    11. Term Accepted: Timestamp of the consent

  3. You can also export the results in excel:

Personal Data Consent Logs

Through interworks.cloud platform you can activate a mechanism to collect the consent of customers for using their personal details (e.g., send them promotional material). When this is activated (Consent for Personal Data Use), logs are collected for all events where the customers provide such consent. 

 To access the log file, you must navigate to BSS Setup > Tools, select "Personal Data Consent - Get Logs" and do the following:

  1. Click on 'Run Tool'.

  2. A list of the log entries will be displayed: 

    1. User First Name: Storefront User contact info
    2. User Last Name: Storefront User contact info
    3. User Email:Storefront User contact info
    4. Username: Storefront User contact info
    5. URL: URL of the Storefront My Account page
    6. IP Address: The IP Address of the device that routed the consent
    7. Browser: The browser/version of the device that routed the consent
    8. Communications Accepted: Timestamp of the consent

  3. You can also export the results in excel:

Registration Page Terms of Use

On the Storefront registration page, a customer who wishes to register to the system must, as a mandatory step, provide explicit consent to the 'Terms of Use' of the site. This action unlocks the access to the site and is registered in the system for future reference. See below how you can access the respective info.

To access the log file, you must navigate to BSS Setup > Tools, select "Registration Form – Terms of Use – Get Logs" and do the following:

  1. Click on 'Run Tool'. 

  2. A list of the log entries will be displayed: 

    1. User First Name: Storefront User contact info
    2. User Last Name: Storefront User contact info
    3. User Email:Storefront User contact info
    4. Username: Storefront User contact info
    5. URL: URL of the Storefront register page
    6. IP Address: The IP Address of the device that routed the consent
    7. Browser: The browser/version of the device that routed the consent
    8. Term Accepted: Timestamp of the consent

  3. You can also export the results in excel:

Microsoft Customer Agreement Logs (former Microsoft Cloud Agreement Logs)

Every time a customer or a reseller or a BSS user confirms the acceptance of former MCA or later MCA, a log record is created in our platform or keeping the confirmation details. In these log records, we will keep details regarding the user that confirmed the acceptance and also the information filled in the acceptance form. 

To access the log file, you must navigate to BSS Setup > Tools and select "Microsoft Agreements – Get Logs". Then, do the following:

  1. Click on 'Run Tool'.

  2. A list of the log entries will be displayed: 

    1. System Id: The internal id of the MS Cloud services instance. This is for understanding in which partner center account the customer belongs in case you have activated multiple MS instances in your BSS.
    2. Account Id: The id of the BSS account that gave the confirmation of the acceptance
    3. First Name, Last Name, Email, Agreement Date: The info the customer or the reseller filled in the MCA form.
    4. URL: URL of the MCA form
    5. IP Address: The IP Address of the device that routed the consent
    6. Browser: The browser/version of the device that routed the consent
    7. Term Accepted: Timestamp of the consent

  3. You can also export the results in excel:

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