Copy a Price List

Copy a Price List

For the BSS users to be able to simplify the daily tasks related to price-lists, we have introduced the ability to copy the price lists. With this feature, the BSS user can effortlessly copy an existing price-list and then configure it at will.



Copying an Existing Price-List

You can access the copy feature by navigating to BSS > Billing > Price Lists. Upon choosing the price list you wish to copy from the list, then the price-lists view-page opens and under the Shortcuts' menu, the option of “Copy” is available.


By clicking on the “Copy” option, a pop-up message appears asking you if you want to create a clone of the current price-list.


Upon clicking on the “Yes” button, the action creates a new price-list, based on the rules mentioned at the beginning of this page, with the name Copy of: [ORIGINAL PRICE-LIST NAME]. For example, if the name of the original price-list was “MS USD pricelist”, then the clone will be named “Copy of: MS USD pricelist“ as illustrated by the following screenshot.


As a result, you have created an identical copy of the original price-list, and you can now handle and configure it without affecting the original.




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