Conversion Tool for Prices of Perpetual License Assets

Conversion Tool for Prices of Perpetual License Assets

This tool facilitates the manualy configured currency conversion of Microsoft Perpetual License assets prices for all countries and currencies, even those that Microsoft automatically supports.

The API call of the Microsoft Service Manager in BSS is automatically collecting from Microsoft the officially supported Perpetual License prices and assigns them to all the Perpetual License products based on the predefined Active Currencies that you have selected under the Microsoft Service Manager instance settings. For the non-officially supported Microsoft Perpetual License Prices, the BSS user needs to utilize the conversion tool.

Perpetual License Currency Selection & Conversion Tool

Since there may be end customers* that wish to order Perpetual License products by utilizing officially and non-officially supported currencies by Microsoft, the following tool (available to tenants as well as country tenants) provides the correct (converted) prices for Perpetual License products, during the ordering process, by calculating the manually provided foreign exchange rate of all currencies of all countries.
*By end customer, we mean all the final consumers of the Perpetual License products.

For the tool to operate successfully, the BSS user needs to provide Microsoft Perpetual License asset prices by configuring the conversion rates between two currencies manually. The tool, as previously mentioned, can be utilized for officially and non-officially Microsoft-supported Perpetual License prices. Therefore, a BSS user can manually define conversion rates for all currencies from all countries with no limitations. Also, it is important to note that the manual definition of the foreign exchange rates of currencies stops the automatic currency conversion (of officially supported Microsoft currencies) from functioning on those currencies whose foreign exchange conversion was manually defined. This means that the manual assignment of foreign exchange rates always overrides the automatic mechanism.


Four Main Steps of Configuring Perpetual License FX Rates

For the Perpetual License products to have the correct prices, the BSS user needs to choose either the default automatic currency conversion method (for Microsoft’s officially supported currencies) or to manually provide the correct foreign exchange rates for those currencies & then perform the Get Services Definition action. More specifically, for the manually defined conversion method, the BSS user has to:

  1. Activate the required (supported or non-supported by Microsoft) currency on their BSS organization, if they haven’t already done so.

  2. Activate the aforementioned currency on the desired Microsoft Service Manager instance under the Active Currencies and then Save the instance.

  3. Navigate to the Perpetual Licenses Currency Selection & Conversion tool, under BSS Setup, define the conversion rate between the two currencies and then Save the changes of the defined foreign exchange (FX) rate.

  4. Navigate to the (affected by currency changes) Microsoft Service Manager instance(s) and run the Get Services Definition action.


Watch the video below for instructions on how to manage unsupported currencies for perpetual license assets:


Accessing the Tool

To access the currency conversion tool for the Perpetual License products, go to BSS > Setup > Tools and select Perpetual Licenses Currency Selection & Conversion.


Currency Conversion for Supported & Unsupported Currencies from Microsoft

Once the home page of the tool appears, the BSS user needs to choose first the Microsoft Cloud Services instance for which the currency conversions will occur, based on the defined Countries of that instance.

For the instance selected, all the currencies activated on the BSS organization for the countries selected on the instance will be displayed. Here, the BSS user can provide the foreign exchange rate for each of these currencies and Save it.

Once the instance is selected, then the tool requires the BSS user to click on the Add New Currency button to define the following drop-down menu buttons and fields, on the pop-up window that appears.

  • Qualification: This drop-down button provides the BSS user with the available Perpetual License Qualifications that are available in the selected instance.

  • Selling Currency*: This drop-down button provides the BSS user with the available currencies that are enabled in the BSS organization and in the Microsoft Service Manager instance (under the Active Currencies field) since this is the field where the (supported or unsupported by Microsoft) selling currency is defined.

  • Market Country Pricelist: This drop-down button provides the BSS user with the available defined Countries that are tied to the previously selected instance. This field is where the API call will be based to retrieve the supported Microsoft currencies containing the official prices automatically. This field is, of course, related to the field Pricelist Currency.

  • Pricelist Currency: This drop-down button provides the BSS user with the supported currencies from Microsoft for the country that was selected in the previous field, Market Country Pricelist.

  • FX Rate: This numeric field provides the BSS user with the ability to insert the foreign exchange rate of the Pricelist Currency against the Selling Currency in a decimal fashion. The default field value is “0.00001” and the field accepts up to five decimals.
    The arrows can be utilized to increase or decrease the value by the last decimal.

Once the BSS user finishes filling in the fields of the pop-up window, they must click on the Save button.

Now that all the fields have been successfully defined, once the BSS user has clicked on the Save button, the tool establishes the conversion rates on the supported or unsupported currencies for the Perpetual License products. Moreover, the established currency conversion can be managed after its creation.

Lastly, the BSS user has to navigate to the (affected by currency changes) Microsoft Service Manager instance(s) and run the “Get Services Definition” action one more time for the conversions to take effect.

Managing Currency Conversions

Via the table containing the saved currency conversions, the BSS user can manage the stored conversion rates by adding new ones, removing old ones, and editing existing currency conversions, as highlighted in green.

Therefore, every time there is an order for a Perpetual License product that is sold via an unsupported currency by Microsoft (such as the Venezuelan Bolivar [VEF] in this example), our system will automatically search the tool for a defined currency conversion and automatically place the correct pricing on the Perpetual License product, based on the provided foreign exchange rate, before the completion of the order.



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