Creating Orders in Distributor BSS

Creating Orders in Distributor BSS

Every time a new subscription is created or updated in reseller's BSS, an order will be created in distributor BSS for tracking the sales of the tenant reseller. These orders are not copies of the tenant resellers orders, they are created independently from the orders that are placed in reseller's BSS.

Creating an Order in Distributor BSS

Orders are created in distributor's BSS with every subscription update or order execution in reseller's BSS. If an order is not executed in reseller's BSS, no order will be created in distributor's BSS. 

The actions that trigger the creation of an order in distributor's BSS are the following:

  • Creation of a new subscription
  • Subscription quantity change
  • Basket Checkout
  • Adding an add-on in an existing subscription
  • Upgrade a trial subscription to paid

For the distributor to easily understand that this order has been created from the back-ordering mechanism, we display a ribbon with the note: “This order was originated from <RESELLER NAME> Tenant Reseller purchases"

The order that will be created:

  • It will be related with the reseller's pricelist and reseller's payment method
  • It will have the default type status defined in distributor's BSS
  • The Account will be reseller's end customer and the Billing To will be the reseller
  • It will have as order date the effective date of the action in reseller's BSS that triggered the creation of this order (e.g the effective date of the quantity change or the start date of the new subscription)
  • If there is any active promotion in distributor's BSS for the ordered product, it will be applied
  • Responsible User and Sharing rule will be the options that have been defined for the order entity in "Use of API Options" section in setup area in distributor's BSS.

Relating the Orders with the Subscriptions

Depending on whether the order is created for a new subscription or for updating an existing subscription, in the subscription details page the related order will be displayed as follows:

  • As the value of the Order field in subscription view page when the triggered action that caused the creation of the order is: new subscription, upgrade of a trial subscription to a paid one, execution of an order and full upgrade or downgrade of a subscription. 
  • As a line in subscription's history records when the triggered action that caused the creation of the order is: subscription quantity change or partial upgrade or downgrade of the subscription.
  • As the value of the Source Type field in the add-ons section in subscription view page when the triggered action that caused the creation of the order is: purchase of a new add-on, add-on change quantity. 

What Actions are not Allowed to Distributor

Below is a list of the actions that the distributor is not allowed to execute for orders that were created from the back-ordering mechanism:

  • Delete Order
  • Execute order , Copy Order or any of the Order Delivery actions
  • All actions that affect the order items (actions that are available in products tab): "quick add","delete","update", "execute order", "change quantity"
  • No order items can be added to these orders

What Actions are Allowed to Distributor

Below is a list of action that the distributor is allowed to execute:

  • Edit Order. In distributor's BSS you will be able to change only the following fields: Name ,Type, Payment Method, Sales Rep, Contact, Campaign, Responsible user and custom fields.
  • View Print-Outs 

  • Add Activities  for this order

  • Relate emails with this order

  • Create cases related with this order

Table of Contents

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