Understanding how a Tenant Reseller is Billed

Understanding how a Tenant Reseller is Billed

For the distributor to know what to bill to his tenant reseller, we have implemented a "back ordering" mechanism where all orders and subscriptions updates are propagated from reseller's BSS back to Distributor BSS.

  • End customers and subscriptions are copied automatically to Distributor for the system to calculate the charges for the resellers. 
  • An order is created in distributor's BSS every time a new subscription is created or updated in reseller's BSS
  • Every changes happen in subscriptions in reseller's BSS (e.g. cancellation, purchase of add-ons, purchase of extra licenses) are propagated also to Distributor BSS for the system to apply these changes to the related subscriptions in his BSS.
  • Each reseller's end customer is copied back to Distributor BSS as a sub-customer of the reseller along with his subscriptions. These subscriptions are billed to reseller based on the pricing rules the Distributor has defined for the reseller.

The back ordering mechanism unifies the management of both lite and tenant resellers. The distributor has a unified way to manage his resellers since he has the full list of reseller's end customers and their subscriptions in his BSS for both type of resellers.

When a subscription is created in distributor BSS, the system applies for this subscription the pricing options the distributor has defined for his reseller: the subscription is related with reseller's pricelist, it is renewed based on reseller's billing day and the invoices are generated to the currency the distributor has defined for his reseller.  

Synchronization Flow

For keeping distributor's BSS aligned with reseller's BSS, we have the following exchange of data:


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