Activating the Back Ordering Mechanism

Activating the Back Ordering Mechanism

When a new tenant reseller is created, the back ordering mechanism is disabled by design. We have followed this approach for allowing the reseller to setup his BSS before going live. This mechanism can be activated when your reseller informs you that he is ready to go live.

The Activate Back Ordering action is available in the shortcut menu in reseller details page.

Pre-Execution Check

Before activating the back ordering process, we must make sure that it can be activated for the tenant reseller, since it is an irreversible action.

  1. We will check if there are any subscriptions in your BSS that have not been copied down to reseller's BSS and if there is at least one we will display a message informing the BSS user that the activation cannot be executed before completing the copy of the subscriptions.
  2. We will check if there are any accounts (without any subscriptions) that haven't been copied in reseller's BSS. In this case we will copy these accounts first (by following the process described in Copying Customers in Reseller's BSS) before activating the back-ordering.

Activation of Back Ordering

If the activation can be executed, a confirmation pop-up will be displayed for the user to confirm the initiation of the process.

By confirming this action:

  1. The missing accounts will be copied in reseller's BSS
  2. The back-ordering mechanism will be activated and from now on all accounts, orders and subscriptions created in your reseller BSS will be propagated to your BSS.
  3. The reseller will no longer be a lite reseller.

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