Adobe VIP MP Services for Tenant Resellers

Adobe VIP MP Services for Tenant Resellers

In the interworks.cloud platform, the backordering functionality between a Parent/Root organization and a Tenant Reseller is supported. On the following analysis, you can find the means to enable that functionality.


Availability of BackOrdering Functionality for Adobe Services

The backordering functionality between a root organization and a Tenant Reseller is supported and functions exactly as it is configured on the root organization (and the tenant reseller organization)*, while the billing for the subscriptions created in the root organization is based on the pricing rules used for all Adobe VIP MP subscriptions.

*However, apart from the configuration on the root organization, tenant resellers need to also configure on their Adobe instance a required field called Adobe Reseller ID for the backordering and provisioning to be supported. Please continue to the section below for more information regarding the configuration of the aforementioned field.



For tenant resellers, the billing service runs upon renewal independently of the root organization. The process is described in more detail on this page: Managing Adobe Subscriptions & Add-ons - Subscription Renewal


Adobe Reseller ID

Under the tenant reseller's organization, inside each Adobe instance, there is an instance required field named Adobe Reseller ID, which is utilized for the setup of the provisioning and backordering functionality.

This field is visible only on the tenant reseller instance, and each tenant (BSS user) will be responsible to fill it in with their Reseller’s ID. Once the root organization completes the account/tenant synchronization with Adobe, the Reseller ID can be retrieved either from the Adobe Partner Portal or from the Parent/Root BSS organization (under the field called Vendor Account ID).


Synchronization of Tenant Resellers with Adobe

During their creation, each tenant reseller is synchronized with Adobe having as Parent account the root Organization. After the configuration of the Adobe Reseller ID under the tenant resellers organization, the enablement of the backordering mechanism for that tenant reseller needs to take place, by navigating to the Parent/Root organization BSS > Tenant Resellers > enter the related tenant, and clicking on the “Activate Back Ordering” shortcut button.

In case the Backordering is not enabled, the following error messages are displayed during the creation of an order:

  • ”A price cannot be found for the 'Product_name'. Please remove 'Product_name' from your Order to continue with checkout”.

  • “Unable to retrieve the price for the product. Please remove 'Product_name' from your Order to continue with checkout”.

Synchronizing a Reseller of a Tenant Reseller with Adobe

Α Tenant reseller can create their own resellers to sell the products to their end customers. Therefore, the reseller account will utilize the Reseller Adobe ID value of the tenant reseller. The reseller’s end customers will be directly synchronized in Adobe with the reseller as their parent account.

Synchronizing a Direct Customer of a Tenant Teseller with Adobe

Α Tenant reseller can create direct customers, who can buy products for themselves. Direct customers will be directly synchronized in Adobe with the Tenant reseller as their parent account.

Synchronizing a Reseller of a Country Tenant with Adobe

Α Country tenant can only create their own resellers to sell the products to their end customers. Therefore, the BSS reseller account is directly synchronized in Adobe, and their end customers are synchronized with the reseller as their parent account.


Pricing of Backordering

Concerning the pricing utilized during the backordering, the prices between the root and the tenant reseller organization are calculated based on the Excel file provided inside the Adobe instance, under the field “Pricing file“. For more information, please check the Adobe VIP MP Volume Discount OLD 4archived page. The cost price for the Tenant Reseller organization derives from the parent/root price list.