After completing the creation of the tenant reseller, you can proceed by transferring his customers in his BSS.
Transfer Account Action
This action is available in the shortcut menu in reseller details page.
- Select the Transfer Accounts action from the Shortcuts menu

- By clicking this action, a pop-up will is displayed for selecting the customers you wish to move to reseller's BS. The customers' list consists of accounts that have the tenant reseller as a Bill To account and they haven't been already copied to reseller's BSS.

- Press continue for the confirmation pop-up to be displayed

By confirming this action, the process described in the following paragraph will be executed
Execution Process
- The accounts will be copied to reseller's BSS as described in the next paragraph
- The contacts of the accounts will be copied also in reseller's BSS
The copied accounts will be displayed in your BSS with the following ribbon that means that this account is now managed by the reseller from his BSS. Check Copying Reseller Customers in Distributor BSS for understanding what actions you are allowed to do for these accounts.

- All the orders you are having in your BSS for the copied accounts will be marked as "back-ordering" records. Check Creating Orders in Distributor BSS for understanding what actions you are allowed to do for these records.

What actions are Allowed to the Reseller
The reseller can now view in his BSS the copied accounts and he can:
- Relate an account with a pricelist
- Define how an account is billed by defining his payment method, his credit limit and the rest ordering options
- Add account contacts
- He can continue to purchase services for these accounts from your Storefront
But he can't:
- Place an order for this account in his BSS
- Create a subscription for this account in his BSS
How an Account is Copied in Reseller's BSS
The accounts we create in reseller's BSS will have the following values:
Any other information (such orders, offers, tasks etc.) that exist in your BSS for reseller’s sub-accounts is not copied down reseller BSS.
We copy also the contacts of the accounts. The contacts we create in reseller's BSS will have the following values:
- Generic Fields. We copy all fields
- Custom Fields. We don’t copy them since we haven’t imported any custom fields in reseller’s BSS
- Access details. The same with the account.
- Storefront User. It is disabled.
- History line comment. All contacts that will get created in reseller BSS will have a history line comment on the date & time of creation noting that the contact was transferred from your BSS.