Registering the Dropsuite Service Manager

Registering the Dropsuite Service Manager

This page explains the process for activating the DropSuite Service Manager in your BSS.

For registering the DropSuite application in your BSS you must do the following:

Table of Contents

    1. Navigate to BSS > Setup > System Options > Applications Setup
    2. Select "Register New Application"
    3. The new application registration page will be displayed and you must select the following:
      1. "Application name" and "Description": Dropsuite Email Backup
      2. "Reseller Support Enabled" must be checked

    4. Save the new application.
    5. The save action generates the "Application Id" and "API key" values that are specific for your installation. These keys are available in the registration page

    6. Add in the authentication section the below URLs:
      Account Synchronize URL
      Subscription Create URL
      Subscription Update URL
      Subscription Activate URL
      Subscription Cancel URL
      Addon Create URL
      Addon Update URL
      Addon Cancel URL

  1. Define the end points.

    Droposuite has deployed their service manager in two different EU locations. Depending on where you are located, you will be informed which base url must use for the end points.

    1. West EU base URLhttps://euw.dropmyemail.com/api/interworks

    2. Central EU base URL: https://euc.dropmyemail.com/api/interworks

    Setup Configuration end points

    Getting Settings Fields: [BASE URL]/fields/get

    Validate Setting Fields: [BASE URL]/fields/validate

    Get Service Definitions: [BASE URL]/service/definitions

    Account Management end points

    Account Get Synchronization Options: [BASE URL]/accounts/syncoptions

    Account Synchronize: [BASE URL]/accounts/synchronize

    Account Delete: [BASE URL]/accounts/delete

    Account Exists: [BASE URL]/accounts/exists

    "Send email notification to customer" option
    Make sure that you will enable this option for the customer to receive an email with his Dropsuite portal credentials. Check DropSuite Welcome Email for more details.

    Subscriptions Management end points

    Subscription Create: [BASE URL]/subscriptions/create

    Subscription Update: [BASE URL]/subscriptions/update

    Subscription Activate: [BASE URL]/subscriptions/activate

    Subscription Suspend: [BASE URL]/subscriptions/suspend

    Subscription Cancel: [BASE URL]/subscriptions/cancel

    Non-Functional Endpoints

    You may witness two Endpoint URL fields at the end of the Subscriptions Management, named
    "Subscription Upgrade to Existing URL" and "Subscription Upgrade Get Existing Subscriptions URL".
    These fields are by default empty and deactivated, so you should not change them.

    Addons Management end points

    Addon Create: [BASE URL]/addons/create

    Addon Update: [BASE URL]/addons/update

    Addon Cancel: [BASE URL]/addons/cancel

  2. Save the edit page

The DropSuite application service manager is now registered in your BSS and you can activate it by following the instructions described in Activating the Integration with Dropsuite page.

DropSuite Welcome Email

After saving the DropSuite integration settings, a system notification will be created. It is located in BSS > Setup > Administration > Notifications > Customer Notifications in folder Accounts and It's called "Welcome DropSuite Application customer". You can also load this notification from the "Edit Template" link in the registration page.

This notification can be rebranded as all the rest notifications and includes system parameter: customer's user name for accessing DropSuite portal and the DropSuits' URLs.

This emails is sent when a BSS account (reseller or end customer) is synchronised with Dropsuite. This email must contain the username of the Dropsuite user and the links for the Dropsuite reseller portal.

Updating the Registration Settings

You can always update the registration settings of DropSuite service manager from the "Edit Integration" button in "Cloud Applications" section.

You can proceed by learning how you can activate the Dropsuite service manager in your BSS   Next

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