Activating the Integration with Dropsuite

Activating the Integration with Dropsuite

For activating the DropSuite service manager you must have a reseller agreement with Dropsuite for acquiring your security tokens. 

Retrieve your Security Tokens from Dropsuite

For retrieving the security tokens Dropsuite has generated for you, you must do the following:

  1. Login to Dropsuite Email Backup reseller portal and navigate to "API Settings" from the dropdown menu available at the top right corner.

  2. In the next page, record Reseller Token and Authentication Token.

Activate Dropsuite in Cloud BSS

For activating the automatic provisioning of Dropsuite services, you should do the following:

  1. Navigate to BSS Setup > Administration > System Options > Applications Setup and select the Settings for the Dropsuite Email Backup.

  2. In the setting page, fill in the following fields
    1. System name: Enter Dropsuite reseller name
    2. Dropsuite API URL: It can be https://euw.dropmyemail.com/api/ or https://euc.dropmyemail.com/api/, depending on the information you have received from Dropsuite.
    3. Reseller and Authentication tokens: The tokens you have retrieved from Dropsuite.

  3. Save the form.

Enable mandatory Custom fields to be available in Storefront

In order all mandatory information to be available in BSS and Storefront you have to complete also these steps:

  1. Go to BSS > Setup > Accounts > Custom Fields locate the DropSuite Custom Fields Group
  2. Click on Groups > Add/ Edit Group and share it to all users that you want to be able to manage the DropSuite products
  3. Click to open "Username" and "Role". Go to Advanced Options and enable the option "Show in Storefront" and Save,

You can proceed by learning how to define your Dropsuite Products   Next

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