'Get Services Definition' Action

'Get Services Definition' Action

On this page, you can find an analysis of how the Get Services Definition (GSD) mechanism functions asynchronously after its major improvement, as well as which are the new GSD user-interface features that BSS users can utilize to view the progress of the mechanism and the logs containing the results.


Old vs New GSD Functionality

Before this major improvement, the mechanism was running ad-hoc, meaning synchronously, and was completing its functionality through two steps that required the user's acceptance. This meant that the BSS user was compelled to wait for the mechanism to finish its retrieval and create/update the latest services, for the final results to be visible.
However, with the improved Get Services Definition (GSD) mechanism, BSS users can run the action asynchronously in the background. This improvement increases the rate of productivity while, at the same time, it reduces the monitoring requirements and manual acknowledgment of the second step of the Get Services Definition action that requests the user’s input into proceeding towards the completion of the process. This means that BSS users have greater flexibility in attending to different business needs while the process is running. Furthermore, BSS users can View the progress (in the form of an informative status ribbon) of the Get Services Definition process and/or the logs and results.

GSD Process Initiation

The first time the BSS user saves the instance, the Get Services Definition button is displayed.

By clicking on the Get Services Definition button, the mechanism is initiated. Its button becomes disabled, and a yellow informative ribbon is displayed to inform the BSS user that the GSD process has begun.

Now, everything runs asynchronously in the background, without the need for the BSS user feedback or acknowledgment, up until the process is finished.
Let’s further analyze the statuses and the options that the BSS user has when running the GSD mechanism in terms of checking the logs and reports.

GSD Status on Instance

The BSS user can view the general status of the Get Services Definition process by viewing the informative ribbon located right under the GSD button.
Even if the BSS user leaves the service manager instance page and then returns back, the informative ribbon will still be visible while depicting the status of the GSD process at that time. Also, even if another BSS user logs into the BSS, navigates to the service manager instance page settings, and the GSD process is running but started from another BSS user, the informative ribbon will still be visible.

GSD Process is Running

GSD Process has Successfully Finished

GSD Process has Finished with Errors

GSD Process is Running

GSD Process has Successfully Finished

GSD Process has Finished with Errors

Once the Get Service Definition has begun, its button gets disabled and the ribbon changes to the color yellow. The BSS user is informed with the following ‘in-progress’ message. BSS users can view the progress of the GSD process by clicking the hyperlink at the end of the informative ribbon.

Once the Get Service Definition has successfully finished, its button gets re-enabled and the ribbon changes to the color green. The BSS user is informed with the following 'success' message. BSS users can view the results of the GSD process by clicking the hyperlink at the end of the informative ribbon.

When an error occurs, the informative ribbon changes to the color red. The BSS user is informed with the following ‘error’ message. BSS users can view more details about the occurred error(s) by clicking the hyperlink at the end of the informative ribbon.


When the GSD process is running, it means that the retrieval and update of the services are ongoing.

When the GSD process has successfully finished, it means that the retrieval and update of the services have been successfully performed and the changes have been saved.

When the GSD process has errors that occurred either during its first or second (background) phases, it means that one or more errors have occurred during those phases and that is why no changes have been saved.

GSD - Logs and Results

As previously mentioned, the Progress, as well as the Logs and Results of the Get Services Definition process, are displayed per instance on a new page that can be accessed via the hyperlinked text at the end of the aforementioned informative ribbon. These results are kept per instance, meaning that they are different for each instance of the service manager.
Nonetheless, by clicking the hyperlink at the end of the ribbon, the BSS user gets redirected to the page containing the GSD logs for that instance and for each run of the mechanism.

The following five columns display in further detail the logs and statuses for each run of the GSD mechanism for that instance. More specifically:

  • Status: This field displays the status of the GSD process, which can be one of the following three:

    • In Progress

    • Error Occurred

    • Completed Successfully

  • Results: This field displays the results of GSD process, in terms of the total number of products that were either created, updated, or discontinued.

  • Requested By: In this field, the logs retain the First and Last name of the BSS user that initiated the GSD process.

  • Requested At: In this field is where the date and time of the GSD process initiation occurred.

  • Updated At: In this field is where the date and time of the GSD process completion occurred.

  • Comments: In this field, the comments concerning only error statuses appear when the GSD process is completed with one or more errors.

  • Process Details: This field contains a hyperlink named View Log Details that redirects the BSS user to another page containing even more granular logs, regarding the Get Service Definition process, that displays information for each product type and product as it gets saved to the BSS system.

    Once the hyperlinked text is clicked, a pop-up window with the following detailed information is displayed:

    • Description: In this field is where the system displays the name of each completed step.

    • Status: This field displays the status of each step of the GSD process, which can be one of the following three:

      • In Progress

      • Error

      • Completed

    • Created At: In this field is where the date and time of the step initiation occurred.

    • Updated At: In this field is where the date and time of the step completion occurred.

    • Comments: In this field, the comments concerning only error statuses appear when one or more steps were completed with one or more errors.

The BSS user can utilize filters for each column (wherever applicable) to sort and filter the displayed results according to their needs. By default, the sorting of the records begins from the most recent GSD (that means the latest update) to the oldest GSD.


GSD - Last Update Date

Once the first update has been processed, an informative date is displayed next to the “Get Services Definition” button, depicting the date of the last update of the GSD process, with the format Last Update: <Timestamp>. Therefore, the “Last update” timestamp is updated every time the GSD process is completed either successfully or with error(s).


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