Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo Add-on

Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo Add-on

The Multi-Geo capabilities add-on SKU is available to CSP partners in the New Commerce Experience since June 1, 2023, and is available for purchase, auto-provision, and management through the interworks.cloud commerce platform for customers who are using Microsoft 365, Office 365, Exchange, OneDrive, and SharePoint subscriptions.

What is the Multi-Geo Αdd-on

Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo is a new add-on SKU available to partners or customers who are managing Microsoft 365 subscriptions in new commerce. It enables customers to expand their Microsoft 365 presence to multiple regions or countries within an existing Microsoft 365 tenant while meeting data residency requirements.

Purchase options available are:

  • one-year paid monthly,

  • one-year paid annually,

  • and one-month trial subscriptions


Purchase Requirement

CSP partners must purchase Multi-Geo licenses equal to or greater than 5 percent of their customer’s total eligible Microsoft 365 subscription seats.


Purchase Scenarios

Customer A has a Microsoft 365 E3 subscription with 200 seats: The Multi-Geo purchase must be at least 10 seats (5 percent of 200). Customer B has a Microsoft 365 E3 subscription with 1,000 seats, but only needs to purchase Multi-Geo for 25 users/seats (rather than 50 seats, which would be 5 percent of 1,000): Customer B can set up a separate tenant for the E3 subscription with <500 users to meet the 5 percent requirement and purchase Multi-Geo for 25 seats.


  • Microsoft 365 subscriptions eligible for Multi-Geo add-on

  • Microsoft 365 F1, F3, E3, or E5

  • Office 365 F3, E1, E3, or E5

  • Exchange Online Plan 1 or Plan 2

  • OneDrive for Business Plan 1 or Plan 2

  • SharePoint Online Plan 1 or Plan 2


Support of Microsoft Purchase requirement

Because this add-on SKU is user-level based, CSPs need subscription licenses for each user to be hosted in a customer’s satellite geography location.  You must purchase a number of Multi-Geo licenses equal to or greater than 5 percent of your customer’s total eligible Microsoft 365 subscription seats.  

Our platform supports the purchase requirement automatically during the ordering process, and if the requirement is not met, an error message will be displayed to the Marketplace buyer or the BSS user.

Mid-Term License Cancellation

Partial Cancellation

When you try to reduce the number of licenses purchased (within the cancellation window), Microsoft will perform the same rule control to ensure that the remaining number of Multi-geo licenses will be equal to or greater than 5 percent of your customer’s total eligible Microsoft 365 subscription seats.

✔️Case 1: The cancellation eligibility control is successful => Cancelation of licenses is successful

❌ Case 2: The cancellation eligibility control is failed

If the remaining number of licenses is less than 5 percent of your customer’s total eligible Microsoft 365 subscription seats, Microsoft will return an error, and the Subscription Provisioning Status will turn to “Failed”.

Error Message Displayed in Storefront


In such cases, the Cancellation action is not completed in Microsoft Partner Center, and you should change the subscription seats quantity to an acceptable number that passes the Microsoft rules.

  1. Select Change Quantity and click “Save”

  1. Select “Send Request”

  1. Once the number of remaining licenses is acceptable by Microsoft, the Subscription’s Provisioning Status will become “Synchronized”


Full Cancellation

The functionality follows the common cancellation flow of New Commerce Experience seat-based subscriptions.


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