10. Reseller APIs

10. Reseller APIs

Resellers at the Standard edition obtain access to an API that has been designed specifically for them, providing access to the details of their end customers, the products they can reseller, as well as the invoices generated by their distributor. This page explains how a Distributor can activate the API for their resellers and how the latter can use it.

Activating the Reseller API

You can provide your Resellers at the Standard Edition with credentials to Reseller API by following the path: BSS Setup → Administration → System Options → Automation Options → Reseller API credentials.


You must first generate the 0Auth 2.0 keys; these are necessary for your resellers to access their API. These keys will then be made available to your resellers in the admin section of their Storefront.

Application Users

In this section, you can see which API users are created.

The displaying fields are:

  • Account: the account name of the API user.

  • Username: the username of the API user.

  • Email: the email address of the API user.


How your White-Label Resellers can Create API Users

Your Resellers at the Free/Standard Edition can create one or more users through the admin section of their Storefront.

It is important to note that if the Distributor has not generated the Client Key and the Client Secret, the Reseller at the Standard Edition will not have the option to create a new user.

Resellers at the Standard Edition can consult their credentials and manage their API users by clicking on the API Credentials option of the Settings button at the left-hand-side panel.

The API Credentials section displays the following information:

  • Client Key and Client Secret: The keys generated when you activated the Resellers API for your resellers. If you haven’t generated the keys yet, the “--” symbol will be displayed as the value of the keys.

  • Request Token URL: displays the URL where the user can request the authentication token.

To add a new user, the Reseller needs to just click on the Add button in the Application Users section. The system displays a pop-up window where the following fields need to be completed: username, email address, password, and confirm password.

API Methods

If you are using the hosted edition of our platform, your resellers can find the Resellers API documentation in the respective hosted location:

If you have an on-premise installation of our platform, the API documentation is available at the URL:
<BSS URL>/apidocs/?urls.primaryName=API%20Version%203%20for%20Resellers.



How your White-Label Resellers can Initiate API Calls

Resellers using the Standard Edition can initiate API calls using their distributor’s BSS URL and API Version 3. The cURL command for the API call should be formatted as follows:

curl -X GET "https://bss.eu.interworks.cloud/api/accounts?pageIndex=1&pageSize=10" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "authorization: Bearer **********" \ -H "X-api-version: 3"

In the API header request, you must include the following elements:

  1. Base BSS URL: Replace https://bss.eu.interworks.cloud/api/ with your distributor’s base BSS URL (e.g., https://bss.companyName/api/).

  2. Accept Header: Specify the response format with -H "accept: application/json".

  3. Authorization Header: Include your API key for authentication with -H "authorization: Bearer **********".

  4. API Version Header: Indicate the API version with -H "X-api-version: 3".


As a general rule, the Reseller API operates independently of the custom domain associated with each customer's Storefront. Since an organization has its own domain, Resellers will use that organization’s base BSS URL.


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