5. Managing Product Catalog

5. Managing Product Catalog

When upgraded to the Standard Edition, Resellers are provided with a powerful Storefront, which allows them to add, manage and sell the products their Distributors have made available to them. This section explains how Standard Edition Resellers can make the most out of their Catalog functionalities to optimize their offering.

To access the Catalog section, log into the admin environment of the Storefront and select the icon with the name of the Distributor:

The Catalog section has three main components:

This chapter provides detailed information on these components.

Vendor Statistics

In the Catalog section of their Storefront you can view Vendor Statistics, including:

  • All Products: the total number of all products the distributor has made available to the reseller

  • Listed Products: the total number of products listed in the reseller’s Catalog, which are the products that will be published on the reseller’s Storefront and will be available for end customers to purchase.

  • Unlisted Products: the total number of unlisted products, i.e., the products that the reseller has not added to their Catalog and, consequently, not made available to their end customers on Storefront.


Categories and filtering options

Below Vendor Statistics, select Categories. These are tags that allow users to filter products and narrow down their search. These categories are the ones from your Distributor’s Storefront. More specifically, there are two major filtering options:

  • All and New: These filters display all the distributor's products available to the reseller or only the ones the Distributor has marked as new until they are unmarked as such.

  • Categories: This filter works similarly to the ones on the Distributor’s Storefront. Select a product category, and the system only displays products belonging to the specific category (e.g., Acronis, Acunetix, Azure Packages, Cloud Data Center, etc.). Selecting the already selected category deactivates the filter, and the system returns to the default view.


Listed/Unlisted Products

The third component of the Catalog section is the detailed product grid divided into two tabs: Unlisted Products and Listed Products. Below the tabs, in the right corner of the page, the system displays a search box where you can search for a specific product and the Actions drop-down menu, which contains options, depending on the tab.


Publish Unlisted Products to Catalog

To publish one or more products in their catalog, the user needs to take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Unlisted Products tab and select the product(s) you want to publish. To select multiple products:

    1. Select products one by one by checking the box before each product name

    2. Select all the products on the current page by checking the box at the top of each page

    3. Select all the unlisted products by clicking at the top of the checkbox list.

  2. Click on Actions Add Selected to my Catalog.

  3. The system displays a pop-up window where you can set the markup on the purchase price or set the distributor’s suggested retail price (SRP) and the available units of the product (e.g., monthly, annually, etc.). Specifically, when the user adds only one product to the Catalog, the pop-up window displays the markup option with the percentage field, the SRP option, the unit selection field, and a table containing the units with their corresponding purchase and retail prices. The retail price is the one which will be published on Storefront based on the choices in this popup.

  4. When more than one product is added, then the pop-up window does not display the table with the final units and prices.

  5. Note that in the case of bulk product selection, the system only adds products with common units available. This means that if, for example, Product A is available at Monthly and Quarterly units and Product B Quarterly and Annually, only the Quarterly unit is common for both products so:

    1. if only Quarterly is selected, then both Products will be added to the Catalog

    2. if only Monthly is selected, then only Product A will be added to the Catalog, and the system will display a message that products not matching the selected units will not be updated, as seen below.

    3. if only Annually is selected, only Product B will be added to the Catalog. The system will display a message that products not matching the selected units will not be updated, as seen below.

    4. If all units are selected, then both products will be added to the Catalog.

  6. Select OK to save the changes and publish the product to the Catalog. The system now marks these products as listed and transfers them to the respective tab.


Managing Listed Products

All products published on the reseller’s catalog appear in the Listed Products tab where, for each listed product, the system displays:

  • The description, category (sub-category), and group of the product

  • The Purchase price (i.e., the price defined by the distributor)

  • The Markup defined by the reseller. If no markup is defined, then it appears as 0.00%

  • The Sell price of the reseller according to the applicable markup. If no markup is applied, then the sell price is equal to the purchase price.

  • Whether the product is active, i.e., available to be provisioned. If active, it is marked with the green check sign. If not, the product is marked with the red X sign.

  • Whether the product has been published on the Reseller’s Storefront. Similarly, if published, it is marked with the green check sign. If not, the product is marked with the red X sign.


In this section, select one or more products to:

  • Edit their pricing by clicking on Actions Edit Pricing. The system displays a pop-up window where you can edit the markup on the purchase place (optional) and the available units of the product (e.g., monthly, annually, two years, etc.). When done, select OK to save the changes or Cancel to cancel them.

  • Publish the products on Storefront by clicking on Actions Publish Catalog. The system displays a pop-up window asking the user to confirm the operation and publish the Catalog to the Storefront.

  • Remove a product from their Catalog by clicking on Actions Edit Pricing. The system displays a pop-up window asking the user to confirm the operation and remove the listed product from their Catalog.




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