Upgrading/Downgrading Commitment Tier

Upgrading/Downgrading Commitment Tier

As an Acronis distributor, you can allow your resellers to change their commitment tier. Our platform automates the management of Acronis contracts upgrades and downgrades by allowing your resellers to change their commitment tier (Tier 0 - Tier 7) according to their needs.


Setting the Upgrade Options for “Acronis Cyber Cloud” Contract Products

To provide your resellers the option to upgrade to a higher Commitment Tier of an Acronis Cyber Cloud product, you must initially set the upgrade relations of those contract products.

For setting Contracts as upgrade options, the "Upgrade options" action button is utilized and can be found on each Acronis Contract product's overview page under its Shortcuts menu.

This action button, when clicked, displays a pop-up window for defining the Contract products that are considered upgrades of the selected Contract product. All you have to do is select all the Contract products from the list and Add them to the upgrade options of that Contract product. 


You need to repeat this process for each one of the six Acronis Contract products.

For example, to allow the upgrade of the product “Acronis Cyber Cloud for Service Providers - Tier 0”, only the “higher commitment” Contract products must be set as upgrade options to this one, as per the following screenshot.


Setting the Downgrade Options for “Acronis Cyber Cloud” Contract Products

Our system automatically creates a “downgrade“ relation when an upgrade option is set for a product. Therefore, when Contract product B is set as an upgrade option of Contract product A, our system will automatically create their “downgrade“ relation. As a result, Contract product B can then be downgraded to Contract product A.


Upgrading the Commitment Tier via Storefront

The reseller can upgrade his Acronis Cyber Cloud subscription via Storefront automatically. The upgrade button option is located under the “I Want To…” button, inside the subscription’s view page.

By clicking on it, the Subscription Upgrade pop-up window appears and contains all the available upgrade options for the specific Contract product.

After choosing one contract product to upgrade to, by selecting its checkbox and clicking on the Checkout button, the reseller is redirected to the Storefront’s basket page, where he can proceed with the checkout process for the upgraded Acronis Cyber Cloud Contract product.

If the Acronis Contract products belong to a product group, on checkout, the reseller will have to accept the terms of use once more to proceed with the checkout.

Upon completing the checkout process, the upgraded Tier Contract product will automatically be provisioned to the reseller (Acronis tenant). However, the timeframe rule of allowed Upgrades must be met.


Upgrading the Commitment Tier via BSS

You can upgrade a reseller’s subscription of a Contract product to any Contract product that has been set as an “upgrade option” to this Contract product. The upgrade button option is located under the Shortcuts' menu, inside the subscription's view page.


By clicking on the Upgrade button, a pop-up window appears and contains all the available upgrade options for the specific Contract product.

After selecting one contract product to upgrade to from the drop-down list and then clicking on the Upgrade button, a new pop-up window appears indicating the start date of the subscription’s billing period that the upgrade shall occur.

Upon saving the effective date, the upgraded Tier Contract product will automatically be provisioned to the reseller (Acronis tenant). However, the timeframe rule of allowed Upgrades must be met.


Downgrading the Commitment Tier via Storefront

A reseller can request a downgrade of his Acronis Cyber Cloud subscription via Storefront. The downgrade button option is located under the “I Want To…” button, inside the subscription's view page.


By clicking on it, the Subscription Downgrade pop-up window appears and contains all the available downgrade options for the specific Contract product.


After choosing one contract product to downgrade to, by selecting its checkbox and clicking on the Submit button, the reseller will witness this pop-up window, stating that his downgrade request from the A Contract product to the B Contract products has been submitted for review. This happens because, as we have previously mentioned, at the beginning of this page, the “automatic execution of downgrade requests” option is disabled on the “Acronis Cyber Cloud for Service Providers" product type. Consequently, the downgrade action will create a downgrade request sent to the BSS for approval.

You can continue to the following section of this page to learn how to manage Downgrade Requests from Storefront via BSS.


Managing Downgrade Requests

To manage a downgrade request for an Acronis Cyber Cloud Contract subscription, you have to navigate to BSS > Billing > Subscriptions and locate the related subscription.
On the top, you will witness a new ribbon informing you about a subscription downgrade request with some basic details, such as the user who submitted the request and the date of the subscription downgrade request.


By clicking on the "View Request" button, a pop-up window appears where you can witness the full details of the subscription downgrade request, along with the options to handle it. For example, the pop-up will be the following.

The subsequent information is displayed according to whether the cancellation request is for a subscription or an add-on:

  • Downgrade Request

    • Submitted by: The storefront user (reseller) who made the request.

    • Submission Date: The date and time that the downgrade request was created.

    • Downgrade: The commitment tier the reseller wants to downgrade.

    • Downgrade Instructions: The extra information that the reseller included in his request.

    • Send Confirmation Email: If this checkbox is enabled, one of the related system notifications will be dispatched after your actions.

Upon clicking on the Downgrade the subscription button, a new pop-up window appears indicating the start date of the subscription’s billing period during which the downgrade shall occur.


Upon saving the effective date, the downgraded Tier Contract product will be provisioned to the reseller (Acronis tenant) automatically, and a “Downgrade Request Completed” notification email will be dispatched.

Downgrading a Commitment Tier via BSS

You can downgrade a reseller’s subscription of a Contract product to any Contract product that has been set as a “downgrade option” to this Contract product. The downgrade button option is located under the Shortcuts menu inside the subscription's view page.


By clicking on the Downgrade button, a pop-up window appears and contains all the available downgrade options for the specific Contract product.


After choosing one contract product to downgrade to, a new pop-up window appears indicating the start date of the subscription’s billing period the downgrade shall occur.


Upon saving the effective date, the downgraded Tier Contract product will automatically be provisioned to the reseller (Acronis tenant).

Notification Emails for Downgrade / Upgrade Requests

When a downgrade request or a subscription upgrade is created in the Storefront by a reseller, a system notification email is dispatched automatically to the recipients you have set. 
All the available system notifications that are related to the downgrade request or subscription upgrade can be found under BSS > Setup > Administration > Notifications > Customer Notifications > Subscriptions > .

Below you can find the list of the available notifications, depending on the downgrade request status or the subscription upgrade, which you can rebrand accordingly:

  1. “1. Downgrade Request”: This notification is sent to the customer's account manager when a customer submits a downgrade request.

  2. "4. Downgrade Request Completed”: This notification is sent to the customer when the downgrade request he submitted has been completed.

  3. “7. Downgrade Request Cancelled”: It is sent internally when the customer cancels his downgrade request.

  4. “Subscription Upgrade“: It is sent when a subscription is upgraded.


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