Upgrading a Reseller to the Free or Standard Plan

Upgrading a Reseller to the Free or Standard Plan

The interworks.cloud platform provides IT Distributors with an easy and intuitive mechanism for upgrading their resellers to the free or standard plan. This section describes how to do exactly that and how to reverse the process, that is, downgrade the plan of a reseller.


Automatically Upgrading a Reseller to the Free or Standard Plan

From Storefront

To self-upgrade from the Basic Plan to the Free or Standard Plan, in the Storefront, the reseller can select the Storefront icon in the right upper menu.

This will redirect the reseller to the Reseller Plans product page where they can select one of the two plans and add it to the basket.


The Reseller should specify the Storefront Alias during the checkout process an Proceed to Checkout.


The order is executed and the Subscription is created automatically.

The reseller will receive an email to login and customize their Customer Portal.

From BSS

To upgrade a reseller from a Basic Plan to the Free or Standard Plan, the BSS user must create an order for the Free or Standard Plan product.

After saving the order, in the Products tab of the Order view, select the pencil icon:

The Storefront Alias must be specified here before the order is executed.

Execute the Order to create a Subscription.

The reseller will receive an email to login and customize their Customer Portal.


Manually Upgrading a Reseller to the Standard Plan as a Distributor in BSS

As a Distributor, you can easily upgrade a basic reseller to the standard plan by taking the following steps:

  1. Go to the detailed Account page of your reseller.

2. Click on Upgrade Resellers at the Shortcuts menu on the left-hand side panel of the account you want to upgrade.

3. The system will prompt a pop-up window asking you if you want to upgrade your reseller to the Standard or Tenant (soon: Professional) edition. Choose Standard Reseller.


4. Once you have selected it, the system displays a pop-up window informing you of some key features of the Standard edition and asks you to set a Storefront Alias for your reseller.

Enter the Storefront Alias and click Save.

Defining the Storefront Alias

If the alias is available, the system will create the URL to the Storefront of your new Standard Edition Reseller according to the defined alias. For example, if the reseller’s alias is techsolutions and the distributor’s Storefront URL is cloud.disti.com, then the former’s Storefront URL will be cloud.disti.com/techsolutions

If the Storefront Alias has already been assigned to someone else, the system will ask you to define a different alias. Set a new alias and click Save.


Notifying a Standard Edition Reseller of their upgrade

When you have upgraded a reseller to the standard edition, resellers will receive a notification email informing them about their new storefront URL. This email is available as the Welcome to Standard Reseller Storefront notifications template in the Setup environment of the Distributor's BSS (Setup Notifications Customer Notifications Accounts).

The standard edition reseller will be able to log into their Storefront by using the same credentials they use to access the Distributor’s Storefront.

This email will be sent to the reseller’s primary contact, but you can add any other preferred recipients from the Notifications menu in the Setup environment of your BSS. For further information on customizing your BSS notifications, check the relevant section on setting up and editing notifications.


Resellers Accessing their Storefront for Managing & Configuration Purposes

Free/Standard Plan Resellers can easily access their Storefront Admin Panel through a button in the right upper menu of the Distributors Storefront and be redirected to their own Storefront. This icon is called Storefront icon, located between the notifications and basket icons.

Once the Storefront icon is clicked, the Standard Edition Reseller is redirected to their own Storefront.


Upgrade a Reseller from the Free to the Standard Plan

In the BSS

BSS users can manage the Subscription of a reseller with an Active Free Plan Subscription to upgrade them to the Standard Plan, by selecting Upgrade in the shortcuts menu.


From the Storefront

Resellers can self-serve and upgrade their Reseller Plan from Free to Standard, by selecting the Upgrade action for their active Free Subscription.





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