Product Catalogue Initialization
Apostolos Karakaxas
Panagiotis Papanastasiou
All products (along with their configuration settings ) included in the price list the distributor defined during the activation of the tenant reseller, are copied in reseller's BSS with the following way:
Syncing Reseller BSS with Underlying Provisioning Platforms
Depending of the type of the services that are available for reselling to tenant reseller, the following configuration will be applied in his BSS (in Setup > System Options > Applications Setup) for each service.
The tenant administrator will be able to see for each cloud application only the settings that can change. The rest settings are hidden from the interface and for these settings our system is using the values defined by the distributor in his BSS.
Below is the list of the properties that are available to tenant BSS per provisioning system.
For Microsoft Office 365 & Azure services
If the reseller can offer Microsoft products, we copy in his BSS all Microsoft instances to which the copied products belong to. For each instance the tenant administrator can update the following settings:
- System Name: We copy the information from root organization but the tenant administrator can change it.
- MPN ID: The MPN ID of the reseller. This field is copied automatically from the sync options of the reseller in the root organization, but the reseller can change if he wishes.
- Authorization Link: The reseller can change this link for asking authorization not only for the CSP but for himself also.
For services provisioned via OSS
- System Name: We copy the information from root organization but the tenant administrator can change it.
- Username (read only) and Password. We sync reseller's BSS with the reseller account the distributor has created for him in Cloud OSS. We get this information from the sync options the distributor has defined for this reseller in his BSS. The username is locked
Also, in Cloud OSS we set reseller spaces to have unlimited resources. Every product that is provisioned via Cloud OSS is related with a target server or space. So, for each reseller we create/update the correspondent hosting spaces that include the products the reseller can offer.
For Acronis Cloud Backup service
Acronis Cloud Backup service supports resellers and this means that reseller account in distributor's BSS must be synced with the reseller the distributor created for him in Acronis portal. This process cannot be fully automated since our platform is not aware of the password the reseller setup when he ran the activation process required by Acronis.
During the activation of the reseller BSS we copy from the root organization the following information, but for the synchronization to be completed the reseller must login in his BSS and set his Acronis username and password.
- System Name: We copy the information from root organization but the tenant administrator can change it.
- Acronis Backup Username and Password: The tenant administration must enter the credentials he setup in Acronis portal.
- Acronis Backup Gateways (read only field).
For Panda Service
The tenant administrator can update the following settings:
- System Name. We copy the information from root organization but the tenant administrator can change it.
Product Catalogue Configuration Settings
For copying correctly reseller's product catalogue, we also copy all catalogue configuration settings:
- Product Types. We copy all product types that are related with the products that are available to tenant reseller. For auto-provisioned product types (i.e. product types that are related with a provisioning system) we relate them also with the provisioning platform instance we have setup in reseller's BSS (see previous paragraph).
- We copy also all multi-selected values that are necessary for the copied product types.
- We copy also any rules or Storefront options that have been defined for the copied product types
- If a product type is a child product type in root organization, we copy also the parent product type in reseller's BSS
- Unit Groups. We copy from root organization all unit groups that are related with reseller's products.
- Price Groups. We copy from root organization all unit groups that are related with reseller's products.
- Volume Discounts. We copy all volume discounts that are related with reseller’s products. We copy the volume discounts that are associated directly to the product not the volume discounts that may have been defined in reseller’s price list. The volume discounts that have been defined in price list is what discounts the distributor gives to reseller. We need the volume discounts that are assigned directly to the products because these discounts are for the end customers.
- Industries. We copy from root organization all industries that are related with reseller's products.
- Unit of Measure. We copy from root organization all unit of measures that are related with reseller's products.
- Product Catalogue Categories. We will copy root organization all the categories that are related with reseller’s products. If a product is related with a second or lower-level category (i.e. a category that it’s not a root one), we will copy all the path until product’s category.
Products Copy
- Product Groups. We copy all product groups that contain products included in reseller’s price list. We create an exact copy that will include all marketing material defined in root organization. So, the product in reseller’s Storefront will look exactly the same as in distributor's Storefront.
- Product and Add-ons properties. For each product/add-on we find in reseller's pricelist we create a copy with the following info:
- Description, product type, code, "taxable product" option, category, industry, unit of measure, "is active" option. We copy the information as defined in root organization
- Product Characteristics. We copy the characteristics values as defined in root organization
- Pricing Options.
- Currency. We copy the prices in reseller's price list currency. If the product in root organization is available in more currencies, we ignore the rest currencies
- Units. We enable only the units that are included for this product in reseller's price list.
Purchase and Sell Price. As purchase price we set the price that is returned from the price list. As sell price we set the sell price that has been defined for the product in root organization. For example, the distributor has defined as the retail price for a product $100 and the reseller has 40% discount. The product in reseller’s BSS will have purchase price = $60 and sell price = $100
- Product Storefront Settings. If a product does not belong to a product group it will have its own marketing material. In this case, we copy all this material in reseller's BSS.
- Cross / required products. Any cross / required products relations defined in root organization they are copied also for the products that are present in reseller's BSS
- Upgrade / Downgrade Options. We copy any upgrade/downgrade paths between products that are available in reseller's BSS
- Terms Of Use. We copy them from the root organization
- Relation between primary products and add-ons. We copy from root organization the relations between the copied add-ons and the copied primary products.