Managing the BitTitan Asset

Managing the BitTitan Asset

The BitTitan products are represented in our system as assets. The assets are part of our Billing module and when your customers/partners place an order for a BitTitan product, a new asset record is created in our platform for managing and invoicing purposes. 

On this page, we explain what information we keep in the asset record and how you(the distributor) or your customers/partners can manage them.

The BitTitan Asset Record

For every BitTitan product purchased by a customer or a partner for him or one of his end-customers, our system creates an asset record. This record is the trigger for the provisioning mechanism and it is directly related to BitTitan's Coupon Code that contains one or more purchased Licenses of the product.

This record is accessible through the BSS > Billing > Assets module. The information we keep for each BitTitan asset is the following:

  • General Information:
    • Name: By default, it is the product's name.
    • Provisioning Sync Status: It can be synchronized or failed
      Note: If the status is failed, you can try to re-synchronize the asset record with BitTitan, by editing the asset and then saving it. During the re-synchronization, if the provisioning sync status becomes synchronized, this means that a new coupon code from the BitTitan's systems is created and connected to that specific BSS asset. Otherwise, if it fails, no change occurs to the asset in BSS or the corresponding coupon code under the BitTitan's systems.
    • Purchase Date: The date the asset record was created and the provisioning was executed.
    • Expire(days): The active period of the coupon code. 
    • Validity(days): The active period within which the license holder can use the licenses before they expire.
  • BitTitan's Coupon Code: The Coupon Code, also known as Coupon Id that contains the number of licenses purchased for the specific BitTitan product.

Managing the BitTitan Assets from the Storefront

Your customers/partners can access the BitTitan Licenses they have purchased from the Assets section that is in the Billing area of your Storefront.

By clicking on the respective link, your customers/partners will be redirected to the list of the BitTitan Licenses they purchased.

The details page of a BitTitan License in Storefront includes all the information our system keeps as explained previously at the beginning of this page.

Managing the BitTitan Assets in BSS

The Licenses are stored in our system as asset records. You can find them if you navigate to BSS > Billing > Assets module or from the assets section that is available on the account details page.

Provisioning of failed BitTitan Assets

The BitTitan assets have a "Provisioning Sync Status" field for understanding if the asset has been provisioned successfully in BitTitan's systems. If the sync status is failed, you can try to re-provision the asset, by editing and saving the record. 

The only way to synchronize a BSS BitTitan's asset with the Coupon Code that was created from BitTitan is by manually adding the Coupon Code to the database since no reconciliation tool exists for assets yet. 

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