Apply Patches on interworks.cloud Platform

Apply Patches on interworks.cloud Platform

  1. Login to all Platform Servers (Administration, BSS, Storefront), except for the Database.

  2. Copy the URL Format: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.28.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.<insert-version-number>.zip . Change <insert-version-number> with the latest available version (e.g 3.28.45)

  3. Download the zip file at all Platform Servers, and unzip it.

  4. At the Administration Server → Navigate to the unzipped folder and Run As Administrator the file “CloudPlatform.Patch.exe”. Press “Next”, “Ok”, “Finish” when needed. Please wait until the installer finalizes the execution.

  5. Repeat the above procedure for the other Servers (BSS, Storefront).

  6. IMPORTANT NOTE: Run only one patch execution per server, and not simultaneously to all Servers. You have to finish a patch execution at one server, and then start the same procedure to another server.