Purchasing Extra Licenses for Discontinued Products

For offers that have been discontinued, Microsoft does not allow you to create a new subscription but allows existing customers to purchase extra licenses for their existing subscriptions. Our platform supports this scenario with the following configuration:

Deactivate the Discontinued Products

The process for the automatic update of Microsoft products brings you what offers and add-ons have been discontinued from Microsoft. Then you need to run the process described in Managing Discontinued Products and Add-ons for deactivate them. This step will remove your products from your Storefront since they will not be available for ordering.

Allow your Customers to Purchase Extra Licenses for the Discontinued Products

Your existing customers cannot place a new order for extra licenses (since the discontinued products are not in your product catalogue), but they can buy the extra licenses they want from the subscription details page by selecting the "Buy" action in the "I want to..." menu.

for more details check please Buying Extra Licenses from Subscriptions Details Page

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