Managing the Updated Products

Managing the Updated Products

The management of the updated products differs depending on the catalog status they have. Below are the actions you must do per case.

Managing the New Products and Add-ons

You can find all new products and add-ons created from the update process, by running the MS New Products view in the products list page. The new products and add-ons are created with the following options.

  • Name. The name of the correspondent Microsoft plan or add-on
  • Product Type. One of the product types created/updated from the update process
  • Code. This is Microsoft Offer ID.
  • Description. In this field, we add some information we can get from Microsoft API. It includes a short description, Microsoft's offer URI, min and max quantities, etc. 
  • Pricing Options. We set the following options for all new products and add-ons:
    • Charge Type: Recurring Charge - Prepaid. The only exception is Azure that is created as a pay-per-use product
    • CurrencyWe enable the organization's default currency.
    • Upfront Billing option is enabled
    • Terms (Month). It will be 0. This means that by default the new products will not be under price protection.
    • Free period option will be unchecked. This means that by default the free period will not be activated for the new products.
    • Billing Cycle. For all new products, the default unit of the "recurring charges" unit group will be activated (i.e. the month billing cycle)
    • Prices. By default both purchase and sell price will be 0.00 
  • Storefront Settings. The new products are not published to Storefront

The actions you need to do for your new products are the following: 
  1. Add the new products in your price lists. 
    1. If you are working with price groups (i.e you have defined your discounts by relating your price groups with your price lists), then you just need to assign the products to the appropriate price groups. This can be done from the Bulk Assignment To Price Group action from products list page.

    2. If you have your products directly assigned to your price lists, then you can relate, in bulk, your new products with a specific price list by loading all your new products in the price list pop-up form using as criteria their Catalog Status. Then you can apply a common pricing rule for all your new products.

  2. Enable the price protection option. If you want to enable this option  for your new products, you can use the Product Importer tool  for updating the "Terms" field that is for setting the price protection period.
    1. Export the new product in an excel file using our reports. Make sure in the results set to include at least the fields "Product Name" and "Product Type" and "Terms"
    2. Update in the excel the "Terms" column to 12 for setting price protection for 1 year.
    3. Update your new products using this excel.
  3. Publish your products to your Storefront. If the new products are part of an existing product group (e.g. Office 365 Business), then you just need to relate the new product with the correspondent product group. Otherwise, you need to publish it in your Storefront following the instruction explained in Publish a Product in Storefront user guide.

Managing Discontinued Products and Add-ons

You can find all products and add-ons marked as discontinued from the update process, by running the MS Discontinued Products view in the products list page. What you need to do for these products is to de-activate them by selecting the Deactivate action from the products list.

We don't deactivate all the discontinued products automatically, because there are situations where Microsoft discontinues a product for new purchases, but it allows an existing customer with an active subscription for this product to purchase extra licenses. 

Managing Updated Products

You can find all products and add-ons marked as updated from the update process, by running the MS updated Products view in the products list page. For these products no action is required, we group them just for reviewing purposes.

Table of Contents

Watch Here The Related Training Videos

New Products & Add-ons

* For full-screen video playback, please click on the Youtube  icon located next to the Fullscreen  option at the bottom right corner. 

Discontinued Products

* For full-screen video playback, please click on the Youtube  icon located next to the Fullscreen  option at the bottom right corner. 

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