In this page, you can find the possible error messages regarding the Ordering process via API.
You can navigate through the API error messages by expanding the collapsible page sections found below:
API Orders - Error Messages
Order with Id: 'orderId' was not found! → The requested order was not found in the current organization.
Account with Id: 'accountId' was not found!
The account with Id: 'accountId' is not enabled for ordering.
The account with Id: ‘accountId’ is backordering.
Contact with Id: 'contactId' was not found!
The contact with Id: ‘contactId’ has account with Id: ‘accountId’, which is different from order’s billingTo with Id: 'billingToId'.
Order stage with Id: ‘statusId’ was not found!
The order status with Id: ‘statusId’ is not active.
The given order status with Id: ‘statusId', which is 'Draft’, is not allowed to be set for the order. → Only Public API v3 is supported and for API Users.
The given order status with Id: ‘statusId', which is 'Executed’, is not allowed to be set for the order. This is allowed only through the order execution.
Order stage with Id: ‘statusId’ was not found!
The order with Id: ‘orderId' is executed and the status with Id: 'statusId’ cannot be given.
The order status with Id: ‘statusId’ is not active.
The given order status with Id: ‘statusId', which is 'Draft’, is not allowed to be set for the order.
The given order status with Id: ‘statusId', which is 'Executed’, is not allowed to be set for the order. This is allowed only through the order execution.
Order type with Id: ‘typeId’ was not found!
Payment method with Id: ‘paymentMethodId’ was not found!
Pricelist with Id: ‘pricelistId’ was not found!
The pricelist with Id: ‘pricelistId’ is not active.
The given pricelist with Id: ‘pricelistId’ has ‘pricelistCurrency’ currency, while the order has ‘orderCurrency’ currency.
API Order Items - Error Messages
The product does not exist in the order pricelist. The system used the default price and the default price list of the product for the calculation of its price.