Excerpt |
In this page, you can find the possible error messages regarding the Ordering process via |
the Reseller APIs. |
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found below:
title | API Orders - Error Messages |
The order with Id: 'orderId' was not found! → The requested order was not found in the current organization.
Account with Id: 'accountId' was not found!
The account with Id: 'accountId' is not enabled for ordering.
The account with Id: ‘accountId’ is backordering.
Contact with Id: 'contactId' was not found!
The contact with Id: ‘contactId’ has account with Id: ‘accountId’, which is different from order’s billingTo with Id: 'billingToId'.
Order stage with Id: ‘statusId’ was not found!
given order status with Id: ‘statusId', which is 'Draft’, is not allowed to be set for the order. → Only Public API v3 is supported and for API Users.
The given order status with Id: ‘statusId', which is 'Executed’, is not allowed to be set for the order. This is allowed only through the order execution.
Order stage with Id: ‘statusId’ was not found!
The order with Id: ‘orderId' is executed and the status with Id: 'statusId’ cannot be given.
The order status with Id: ‘statusId’ is not active.
Order type with Id: ‘typeId’ was not found!
Payment method with Id: ‘paymentMethodId’ was not found!
Pricelist with Id: ‘pricelistId’ was not found!
The pricelist with Id: ‘pricelistId’ is not active.
The given
pricelist with Id:
The given order status with Id: ‘statusId', which is 'Executed’, is not allowed to be set for the order. This is allowed only through the order execution.
Order type with Id: ‘typeId’ was not found!
Payment method with Id: ‘paymentMethodId’ was not found!
‘pricelistId’ has ‘pricelistCurrency’ currency, while the order has ‘orderCurrency’ currency.
No Items to Invoice were found.
No Items found to create Subscriptions for.
Execution of the order for the following products is not possible at the same time as the products are mutually exclusive.
Execution of the order for the product is not possible for the selected customer as subscription(s) for <product2> already exist and the products are mutually exclusive.
An error has occurred with our sales tax calculator. Taxes are not included in the invoice(s).
Your account is not synchronized.
The order for the product <product name> cannot be submitted. Please, add licenses on your existing subscription.
Add a product of <reselling product type> for a subcustomer account.
The selected Cloud Backup Cloud Storage Gateway is different from the current gateway. Acronis does not allow to purchase a service for two different gateways.
The number of seats is not available for this product.
MS Service Plan not found.
The order with Id: ‘orderId’ is a backorder and cannot be updated.
Field required. (StatusId)
Field required. (OrderDate)
The property: contactId with value: {value} must be greater than zero.
The property: statusId with value: {value} must be greater than zero.
The property: typeId with value: {value} must be greater than zero.
The property: pricelistId with value: {value} must be greater than zero.
The order with Id: 'orderId' is already executed.
The order with Id: 'orderId' is a backorder and cannot be updated.
The custom fields with Id: ‘customFieldId' and organization Id: 'organizationId’ were not found for the subscriptions module.
The custom fields with Ids: ‘customFieldIds' and organization Id: 'organizationId’ have read only field type and cannot be created/updated/deleted.
An executing order cannot be edited. → The requested order is in status “Executing” and cannot be edited.
The value: ‘value' provided for the customField: 'customFieldName’ is not a valid type. → The type is changed depending on the custom field type and the value that is being validated.
The value: ‘value' provided for the customField: ‘customFieldName’ is not a valid type. The available options Ids are 'availableOptionIds’. → The type is changed depending on the custom field type and the value that is being validated.
The order with Id: 'orderId' is currently executing.
The order item with Id: 'orderItemId' was not found. → The requested order item was not found in the requested order.
Product with Id: 'productId' was not found!
The product with Id: 'productId' is not active.
The product with Id: 'productId' is in the recycle bin.
The product’s available currencies do not contain the order currency.
There is not product unit enabled for ordering.
Quantity limit was exceeded.
Product with Id: 'productId' has split quantity enabled and cannot have quantity greater than 1.
The product with Id: 'productId' is 'Pay per Use' and cannot a quantity.
Field required. (Quantity)
The product with Id: 'productId' is not available for order.
(Restricted API for reseller: i. Product not published to Storefront, ii. Product is available via pricelist)Unit with Id: 'unitId' was not found!
The unit with Id: 'unitId' is not active
The product with Id: ‘productId', does not contain the unit with Id: 'unitId’.
The unit with Id: ‘unitId' is not enabled for the product with Id: 'productId’.
Product unit with Id: 'unitId' is not enabled for ordering.
No relation specified for the given addon product. You need to define either a relation item, or a related subscription.
A product item cannot have a related subscription and/or related item and/or a related addon.
A product item cannot have a related addon item
Related order item with Id: 'relatedItemId' was not found.
Addon Item with Id: 'relatedAddonItemid' was not found!
The related item with Id: ‘relatedItemId' does not contains the addon product with Id: 'addonId’
The related item’s unit with Id: 'relatedItemId' does not match the given unit with Id: 'unitId'.
The subscription with Id: 'subscriptionId' is not related with the account wih Id: 'accountId'.
The given subscription’s product with Id: 'productId' does not contain the addon product with Id: 'addonId'.
The related subscription’s unit with Id: 'subscriptionUnitId' does not match the given unit with Id: 'unitId'.
This action cannot be performed because the retrieval of prices for subscription 'subscriptionId' has failed.
A primary product item cannot have a related item or a related subscription.
The given subscription’s product with Id: 'subscriptionProductId' does not match with product with Id: 'productId'.
A pricelist was given when auto apply was true.
No pricelist was given when auto apply was false.
Pricelists with Id: 'pricelistId' was not found!
The pricelist with Id:
' is not active.
Promotion not found for product with Id: ‘productId’ and unit with Id: ‘unitId’.
Promotion with Id: ‘promotionId' has a pricelist with Id:
'promotionPricelistId’, but order item has no pricelist, so we cannot apply the promotion.
Promotion pricelist with Id: ‘promotionPricelistId' does not match the order item pricelist with Id: ‘itemPricelistId’, so we cannot apply the promotion with Id: 'promotionId’.
Promotion with Id: 'promotionId' has a pricelist with Id: 'promotionPricelistId', but billing to account with Id: 'billingToId' has no pricelist, so we cannot apply the promotion.
Promotion with Id: 'promotionId' has the pricelist with Id: 'promotionPricelistId', but the billing to account with Id: 'billingToId' has the pricelist with Id: 'billingToPricelistId', so we cannot apply the promotion.
Promotion with Id: 'promotionId' has no pricelist, but the order item has the pricelist with Id: 'itemPricelistId', so we cannot apply the promotion.
A write-in item cannot have a unit.
A write-in item cannot have a pricelist.
Promotion cannot be applied for a write-in item.
A write-in item must have a unit price defined.
A write-in item must have a name.
Billing frequency option with Id: ‘billingFrequencyOptionId’ was not found.
The Billing frequency option with Id: ‘billingFrequencyOptionId' does not apply to the given ‘productId’ and ‘unitId’ combination.
Cannot create/update an item for a canceled order.
Cannot create/update an item for a draft order.
Cannot create/update an item for a back order.
Cannot create/update an item for a draft order.
Cannot create/update a non draft order.
A scheduled order can only be canceled.
An executing order cannot be edited.
Cannot create/update an item for an order that is awaiting payment.
Name is available only for write-in products.
The product does not exist in the order pricelist. The system used the default price and the default price list of the product for the
calculate its price.
The sale price is less than the cost price
Compulsory order characteristics not filled in
Compulsory custom fields not filled in
Addon not related to product/subscription
Table of Contents
A scheduled order can only be canceled.
Bundle with Id: bundleId was not found.
Bundle with Id: bundleId is not active.
Bundle with Id: bundleId is in the recycle bin.
Bundle with Id: bundleId has not assigned products, thus it cannot be added in an order.
Bundle with Id: bundleId does not have the currency of the order enabled.
Bundle with Id: bundleId does not have any unit enabled for ordering.
Promotion with Id: ‘promotionId' is expired and cannot be applied.
Product[s] with Id[s]: ‘productIds' have exceeded [its/their] quantity limi[s] of 'quantityLimits’ [, respectively].
The requested order was not found in the current organization.
The requested order is in status Scheduled and its items cannot be deleted.
The requested order is in status Executing and its items cannot be deleted.
The order item with Id: 'orderItemId' was not found. → The requested order item was not found in the requested order.
A scheduled order can only be canceled. → The requested order is in status Scheduled and its items cannot be modified.
An executing order cannot be edited. → The requested order is in status Executing and its items cannot be modified.