The Subscriptions Quantity Change / Cancellation Report tool allows the BSS user to request the system to produce an ad-hoc report based on a specified timeframe regarding the quantity changes and cancellations of subscriptions and add-ons. Furthermore, the report includes the initial quantity, the changed quantity as well as the final quantity. Also, certain filters can be used to distinguish the end results, from subscriptions to add-ons and from quantity changes to full cancellations. This tool also supports the export of those results to an Excel file. Therefore, this report retrieves its input data from the history of all the subscriptions in your BSS platform in order to filter them based on your predefined preferences and present the end results. Let’s check it in more detail in the following sections of this page.
Locating the Tool
By navigating to the BSS Setup > Tools, you can locate the Subscriptions - Quantity Change / Cancellation Report tool under the Other Tools section.
Clicking on the hyperlinked tool name redirects you to its page for interaction.
Managing the Options of the Tool
Once the page is displayed, you can witness six elements along with a button. These are the options that you can predefine in order to control the end results of the report. Let’s analyze them so that you can understand how each element shapes those results.
The tool is comprised of two date-picking options and four checkbox options, which are all correlated:
Start Date: Is the date from which the tool will initiate its search when creating the report. It affects all other options.
End Date: Is the date by which the tool will stop its search when creating the report. It affects all other options.
Include Increase Quantity*: This option instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display subscriptions and/or add-ons that have experienced an increase in their quantity.
Include Decrease Quantity*: This option instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display subscriptions and/or add-ons that have experienced a decrease in their quantity.
Include Add-ons: This option instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display add-ons in the report, while depending on the other three selectable options, the included add-ons will have experienced either an increase or a decrease or a cancellation.
Include Cancellations: This option instructs the tool’s mechanism to fetch and display subscriptions and/or add-ons that have experienced a cancellation, meaning that their quantity has become zero.
* By default, the Include Increase Quantity and Include Decrease Quantity based results display data only from subscriptions, but if the Include Add-ons option is selected, then the results will also include data from Add-ons [whenever applicable]).
Once the options of the tool have been configured and you click on the Run Tool button, the tool’s mechanism begins the creation of the report.