3.20.0 Release


Changes for Users Password Management

In our continuous effort to enhance the security features of our platform, in this release we are rolling out many significant improvements such as:

  1. The user passwords are kept hashed instead of encrypted in our database (using SHA256 algorithm).
  2. New activation process for registered Storefront users. We will no longer send any passwords in clear text form. Instead, the customer will receive an activation link for verifying his email before allowing him to login in the Storefront. The same process will be followed for Storefront users created directly in BSS.
  3. Forgot password procedure now implemented via reset link. An email with a reset link will be sent to the Storefront user for setting his new password.

For more details, please check Storefront User Password Management

On this page

Storefront Web Compliance

In this release we improved our Storefront to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AAA and and to fully support html5. Below a list of our enhancements:

  1. Ensure new windows or frames do not open without a warning
  2. Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls
  3. Provide alternative text for images
  4. Ensure the language of a document is set
  5. Avoid the sole use of device-dependent event handlers
  6. Using Meaningful Link Text
  7. Ensure markup documents contain well-formed elements

CAPTCHA for the Registration Page

You can now activate the use of Google reCAPTCHA for your Storefront registration page. Google reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive CAPTCHAs to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.

You can enable this new feature by activating this option in the Storefront Setting in BSS setup area.

Azure Provisioning Improvements

For Microsoft tenants with hundreds or thousand of users, the provisioning of an Azure subscription fails because the process of finding which are the admin users it's too long and timeouts. In this release we improved this process and even for tenants with thousands of users the process last only one minute or two.

 Resolved Issues

EXL-5165The cancellation of an add-on from the add-ons more page crashes
EXL-4915The values of the custom fields are not displayed when you view the printout of an invoice in Storefront
EXL-5074The Storefront Settings page in BSS Setup crashes when the privacy policy fields are updated

During the provisioning of the Business licenses, the system to ignore the deleted subscriptions - resolution of the error message "Cannot update subscription with deleted status"

EXL-4947Office 365 subscriptions are displayed as synced in BSS but the subscriptions haven't been provisioned in partner center
EXL-4663The invoice custom fields of "mask" and "mod11" type should not get values for the proforma records.
EXL-4657Annual subscription was charged as montly
EXL-4770Invoice was not generated after the subscription discount was changed
EXL-4471Updating the quantity of an Office Business subscription causes the update of the wrong subscription in partner center when the customer has two subscriptions for the same business plan
EXL-4117Resolution of the error "Cannot update subscription state and friendly name at the same time".
EXL-4750Changing the billing cycle of a semi-annual subscription to annual creates a subscription with wrong billing cycle.
EXL-5019Provisioning of a Panda service fails when the customer name is not with ascii characters.
EXL-5172Provisioning of Acronis service fails when the API URL includes double slash character (//)
EXL-5153Changes in an integration connector performed by an admin user are applied also to organization tenants
EXL-5089The backordering mechanism does not update correctly the add-on quantity
EXL-5013Handling of divide by zero issues
EXL-4852The update tenant product catalogue process creates 2 set of products when multicurrency is enabled in tenant organization
EXL-4942The Panda customer is created with wrong country
EXL-5200Unit price has 2 decimals instead of five for azure invoice items
EXL-5178Verify authorization popup is not displayed on Storefront Checkout.
EXL-5155Correct update of Microsoft Entitlement ID
EXL-5181Incorrect invoice unpaid amount in transaction currency
EXL-5164Incorrect culture for the unit price of an Azure subscription
EXL-5154Storefront product view page crashes with unhandled error
EXL-5012The transfer accounts and subscription actions should not be activated when the creation of a tenant reseller has failed
EXL-5077Error after deleting account and redirecting to previous page
EXL-5068The creation of a subscription with a promotion returns unhandled error
EXL-4851The ordering process crashes when a product at XPF currency is selected. 
EXL-4763An account that was unsynced previously from the linked Microsoft tenant is not re-synced correctly when you set new sync options