To allow end-customers to create an account on your Storefront, enable Self-Registration in the Storefront settings.
Self-Registration Approval Disabled
The end-customer can create an account by selecting Register either on the log in page, or on the homepage of the Storefront if Anonymous Access is enabled.
The end-customer enters their contact details and selects Register to confirm.
The following message prompts the end-customer to check their inbox:
An e-mail notification has been sent to the e-mail address specified in the contact details. Selecting the Activate account link will finalize the process.
The following message confirms the successful activation of the account :
Self-Registration Approval Enabled
After the end-customer enters their contact details and selects Register, the following message is shown:
At this point, locate the user the Customers dashboard. You may select Approve or Reject to create the end-customer’s account, or reject their request and delete their information respectively.
Rejecting the user results in the following e-mail being sent to them.