Display Extra Fields in Invoices

This page offers information on adding extra (custom) fields to invoices by publishing those custom fields, you have created, for the Invoice entity. These fields are alphanumeric and are utilized when you want to gather more information about an invoice based on a specific order or just keep certain invoice information on display.


Reasoning Behind the Existence of Invoice Extra Fields

Resellers, upon receiving orders from their customers, enter these orders into their external back-office system. Each order is assigned a unique code known as the PO Code (Purchase Order Code). When resellers log into their distributor’s Storefront to place an order, they aim to retain the original PO Code associated with that order. This practice allows them to easily trace the order back to the initial customer request. To streamline this process, interworks.cloud has introduced a custom field called PO Code within the Orders module. Users can find this field on the first page of the Basket Items section in Storefront, where they can input the relevant PO Code during order creation.

When resellers fill in the (Reseller) PO Code alphanumeric field, they can associate each order with a specific PO Code based on the generated invoice. The relationship between orders and invoices is many-to-1, meaning multiple orders can contribute to a single invoice. The PO Code is inherited by an invoice only during two specific events:

  1. Storefront ‘Basket Items’ page during the checkout.



  2. BSS portal during the order execution.

    BSS PreOrder2.png

If multiple orders result in an invoice, their values will be displayed as comma-separated. However, it’s important to note that invoices generated after actions like renewals or cancellations, which are not directly tied to an order, will not display any PO Code.

Adding Extra Fields in the Invoice Page

If you want to keep certain order-specific information on display in the invoices or you wish to associate external system orders with orders placed in the BSS and Storerfont portals, you can publish invoice custom fields on the "Invoice" page, available from the BSS and Storefront.

  1. Navigate to BSS Setup > Billing > Invoices > Custom Fields.
    (You can click on the Add button to create your custom field by following the instructions on the "Customize Entities Fields" page.)

  2. For this Custom Field example, the field called Reseller PO Code (Purchase Order Code) is already available. If not, you can create it.

  3. By clicking on this field, you need to ensure that the option Show in Storefront is enabled for publishing this field on the "Basket Items" page. This option is located in the Advanced Options tab.

  4. You must also ensure that the option Reseller PO Code is selected under the Order section. This option is located in the Advanced Options tab.


The invoice custom field(s) that you will select to publish on the first page of the Basket Items section in Storefront.

Once this field is filled in with a value and the checkout is completed from the Storefront or when the BSS order is executed, then the user can witness the value of the PO Code in both invoices, either from the BSS or the Storefront, as well as from the BSS order.

Invoice Page in Storefront

Invoice Page in BSS

Invoice Page in Storefront

Invoice Page in BSS



Order Page in BSS

Remember that the behavior of the (Reseller) PO Code field depends on the relationship between orders and invoices, as well as the specific timing of order(s) placement and invoice generation.


Displaying Invoice Custom Fields in Reports & Notifications & Advanced Search

The Invoice custom (extra) fields can be also utilized in Invoice Draft Printouts, Reports, Notification Emails, and in the Advanced Search feature of the BSS portal.

Invoice Draft Printout

Invoice Draft Printout

Invoice Report

Notification Email

Advanced Search