Microsoft Perpetual Licences are charged only once on purchase date. The pricing information comes automatically from Microsoft and contains both the cost price (i.e what Microsoft charges you as a CSP) and the retail price. This means that you have the flexibility to bill your reseller and your customer either by setting a margin above your cost or by defining a discount for Microsoft's retail price, exactly as you do for the Office 365 plans.
Configuring Perpetual Licence Pricing for Resellers
If you are an indirect CSP and you want to set discounts for the Perpetual Licences to your resellers, you must add the Perpetual Licence products to the resellers' price lists. The process is the following:
Locate your reseller price-list in Billing > Price Lists
Go to Products tabs and select Quick Add > Products. In the pop-up form, you should search for the Microsoft Perpetual Licence products. An easy way to do this is to use advanced search and search for the product with product type = Microsoft Perpetual Licences. Then, select all of them.
Select the action Same pricing rule for defining your pricing rule for all the Perpetual Licences products.
Define your pricing rule by setting either a margin or markup above your cost or a discount from Microsoft's retail price.
Configuring Perpetual Licence Pricing for Direct Customers
CSP Direct Partners can opt to sell to direct customers without price lists. For this reason, you must follow a simple procedure in order to price the Perpetual Licences according to the margin or discount you desire.
Add all Microsoft Perpetual Licences in a price list following the steps described in the previous paragraph.
Define your pricing rule as described above.
Go to each Perpetual Licence product and define this pricelist as the default pricelist.
That's it! All customers will be priced according to the rule you have designated!