Importing/Updating Adobe Sign Products & Prices to BSS
Panagiotis Papanastasiou
In the platform, you can import the Adobe Sign products under the "Adobe Services" Product Type, by utilizing the Product Importer. This is a different import action than that of the import of Adobe Teams & Enterprise products via the Product Importer, since the following import analysis addresses only the Adobe Sign products, along with their available three year commitment options.
Preparing the Excel File for Each Unique Sign Product
The first step of editing the Excel file, is first to open it and create a filter for the whole Excel file, by selecting the whole table of the file and clicking on the Data tab while selecting the Filter option. By doing that, you will be helped later on during the following preparation steps.
For the second step, once the filter is placed on the Excel file, you need to select the A column, navigate to “Data” (ribbon menu) > Text to Columns, and finalize the related wizard (Delimmited > Next > Comma > Next > Finish).
After that, you need to filter only the Adobe Sign SKUs (Product family column).
The third step of this process involves the manual creation of four new columns, namely, the Concatenated SKU, the Concatenated Product Name, the Primary/Addons, and the Usage Charge Rule, which are analyzed in the following four bullets.
Concatenated SKU
The Adobe Sign Transaction SKUs can reach tier 7, unlike the Adobe Sign License SKUs, which can reach level 4. For that reason, you will need to filter your results before applying the correct concatenated formula.
More specifically, filter the “Metric” column to “USER“, create a new column, and paste the following formula on the first cell under the title of the column. Expand it to the remaining cells from the downright cross icon.
Please also note that the extra licenses of the three year commitment option along with the existing license SKUs are depicted under the Level Detail column with the annotation 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12, 13, 14, respectively. These must also be included for each unique product, that are available:
Formula: =CONCATENATE(I21;",";I22;",";I23;",";I24;",";I25;",";I26;",";I27)
(The I stands for the “Part Number“ column, and the following number stands for the Excel rows)After that, filter the “Metric“ column again to “Transaction” & “50 TRS INTRO NC“, create a new column, and paste the following formula on the first cell under the title of the column. Expand it to the remaining cells from the downright cross icon.
Please also note that the extra tiers of the three year commitment option along with the existing tier SKUs are depicted under the Level Detail column with the annotation TA, TB, TC, TD, TE, TF, TG and T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, respectively. These must also be included for each unique product, that are available:
Formula: =CONCATENATE(I37;",";I38;",";I39;",";I40;",";I41;",";I42;",";I43;",";I44;",";I45;",";I46;",";I47;",";I48;",";I49;",";I50)
(The I stands for the “Part Number“ column, and the following number stands for the Excel rows)Concatenated Product Name
Create a new column and paste the following formula on the first cell under the title of the column and expand it to the remaining cells from the downright cross icon.
Formula: =CONCATENATE(J21;", ";S21;" (";Q21;")")
(The J stands for the “Product Family“ column, the S stands for the “Metric“ column, and the Q stands for the “Additional Detail“ column, and the following number stands for the Excel row)Primary/Addons
Create a new column called "Primary/Addons" and manually provide the value of 1 for every cell. This means that the products in the Excel file will be handled by the importer tool as add-ons.Usage Charge Rule
Adobe does not apply proration for the Adobe Sign Transaction SKUs, unlike the Adobe Sign License SKUs. For that reason, you will need to filter your results before applying the correct formula.
Filter the “Product Type“ column to “Transaction New“, create a new column, and paste the word "whole" to these cells. Afterwards, filter again the same column to “Subscription New“ and paste the word “partial“ for these cells.
The fourth step begins as soon as you complete the above-mentioned bullet points. More specifically, you have to remove any specific filters and filter only the Level 1 and Tier 1 Adobe Sign SKUs from the "Level Details Column".
For the fifth step, you need to copy and paste all columns (along with the column titles) of the filtered results to a new Excel sheet (as well as provide a new name for that newly created sheet), as depicted in the following screenshot.
This final Excel sheet must be uploaded onto the BSS products importer tool for the Adobe Sign Products to be updated in your catalog each month. The upload also provides the BSS platform with the default base prices (not the final prices) without applying any discount levels. Please note that you are responsible to check every month if the Adobe's Excel file has any changes regarding new or discontinued products in order to be able to manually address those changes in your Adobe catalog each month.
Final Excel Results
This is what the final form of a prepared Excel file for import looks like. The screenshot has its prices hidden for compliance reasons.
The specific currencies will not be automatically activated on all Adobe Sign products without the BSS user having to perform this action manually. This action is done via the Products Importer, as analyzed below, because we expect the currencies to be enabled in the product, as shown below, but also provide a basic sell & cost price for this currency.
Import Process
Since the products of Adobe in our BSS platform are handled as add-ons, the respective base prices along with the Sign products, can be easily imported as follows:
Under the Billing > Products section on our BSS, click on the "Import" button and select "Import Products".
On the pop-up window, click on Browse and locate the latest Excel file containing the current Month's product prices.
Upon uploading the Excel sheet, under the first step of the import process, you select the values of the fields related to:
- The Excel Sheet (dist_vipmpc_<currency>_<monthYEAR>),
- The currency (Your Currency),
- The product type category (Common Product Type),
- The product type (Adobe Services),
- And the pricing type (Recurring charge - Prepaid), as illustrated in the following image.
Click on the Next button to continue.
On the second step of the import process, you must match the columns of the Excel file with the target fields by creating a mapping.
Make sure that you populate the target field values as depicted in the following image.
Click on the Next button after selecting the proper values for each target field.
On the third step of the import process, you are required to confirm the import by setting the "Responsible User" as well as the "Permission rule" based on which the process will be initiated.
Lastly, after finishing the import, inside the import report page, click on Close.
After the import, you will be able to see the added products having all the relevant base prices.
To return to the parent page containing an analysis of how you can upload the final prices on the Adobe products and many more actions, such as publishing the Adobe Product Container along with the add-ons to the Storefront, please continue to the Importing/Updating Adobe Products & Prices to BSS - Main#Uploading-Final-Prices page.
To proceed to the preparation and import guide for the Adobe Teams & Enterprise products, please continue to the Copy of Importing/Updating Adobe Teams and Enterprise Products & Prices to BSS page.