Activation of MS Foreign Exchange Rates Collection via Microsoft Partner API

As you may already know, the invoicing procedure on BSS for the Azure Plan subscriptions requires the obtained Microsoft charges (always in USD) for that subscription, the conversion of currency via the Microsoft Foreign Exchange Rates (with which you invoice your customers or indirect reseller), and lastly the margin or markup percentage from the corresponding price-list. Therefore, in order to activate and obtain automatically the latest Microsoft Foreign Exchange Rates, there are three steps that need to be followed in order to allow the Microsoft Partner API to automatically collect the Microsoft Foreign Exchange (FX) rates, for the Azure Plan subscription.

Step 1: Login in Azure Portal using a User with Global admin rights and make sure that the platform application is included in the list. If you cannot find it, please add it by clicking on +New Application button.


Step 2: Then, navigate to Enterprise applications → Consent and Permissions and select the Tab Permission classifications (Preview). Add permission for the platform:


Step 3: Once you complete the above steps, please re-authenticate the instance, by going to the BSS platform Setup modeAdministration System OptionsApplications SetupSettings button of Microsoft Cloud Services and then click on the re-authenticate button of your chosen instance.

Now, the Microsoft Foreign Exchange Rates will be gathered automatically by the Microsoft Partner API call.