3.26.4 Release


Installation: https://downloads.interworkscloud.net/patches/3.26.0/CloudPlatform.Patch.3.26.4.zip  
You must upgrade first to 3.26.0 using the interworks.cloud installer before applying this patch

Salesforce Connector

Supported versions: Salesforce Developer Edition
Supported Synchronization Options
Accounts, Contacts, Products, Orders, Cases

In this release we implemented the connector with Salesforce using our integration framework. We support the following Push (sending data to Salesforce) and Pull (getting data from Salesforce) methods.











Product Price


Order Items


For more details, please check Salesforce Connector.

Product Bundles (Work in Progress)

Bundles are a new type of product that we have planned to introduce in our platform the following months. With Bundles, Distributors and Service Providers will gain the ability to include multiple products in one single Product SKU and a single billing event in better prices than purchasing all products separately.

Because of the importance and the complexity of the Bundles feature, we have decided to follow a phased approach and to release the bundle use cases as soon as they are ready. We will start from this release by making available the bundle creation use case in order to allow you to review it and give us your feedback. 

Creating a Bundle Product

You can create a bundle product for packaging solutions that complement each other and offer it as a single SKU to your customers and resellers. The first version of Bundling will support only subscription-based bundles that consist of two or more recurring products or add-ons. For a product to be included in a bundle, it must be available to all units and currencies the bundle supports and it can participate in the bundle with more than one licenses.

For more details, check please Copy of Creating a Bundle Product - Apostolos.

Internet Explorer 11 - End of Support

In 2015 Microsoft released Edge as the browser to supersede Internet Explorer (IE). Since then IE has not received major updates, or added support for many modern web standards. Microsoft recently discouraged the use of Internet Explorer as a default browser, and we've also seen a decrease in IE 11 usage over time.
To allow us to continue to take advantage of modern web standards to deliver improved functionality and the best possible user experience, we have decided to end support for IE 11 from this release.

What does end of support for IE 11 mean?
End of support means we will not fix bugs that are specific to IE 11, and will begin to introduce features that aren't compatible with this browser.

Azure Reservations are supported from the Upgrade Lite to Tenant Process

From this release the /wiki/spaces/Req/pages/4334763 supports copies also reseller's Azure Reservation assets.

For more details, please check How an Azure Reservation Asset is Copied to Reseller's BSS

On this page

Resolved Issues 



EXL-3203Saving a contact crashes for organizations with the "Reseller Basic" edition
EXL-8000Storefront v4  - In Azure Pack product details the "Estimated price: 0" should be displayed in "Your Total" section the first time you add an instance
EXL-8020Storefront v4 -  Azure Pack - Addon prices are not updated based on unit selection
EXL-8017Storefront v4 - Disable checkout button when office primary domain is checked
EXL-8038Service Manager API - Return the ID of the selected value of a drop-down product characteristic instead of the value itself.
EXL-8043No organizationId and UserId on several log entries
EXL-8107Storefront v4 - The rebranding rules for the footer are not applied
EXL-8119Storefront v4 - Search with value " ' " crashes.
EXL-8121Storefront v4 - Wrong positioning for the price analysis pop-up in product details page
EXL-7726MCA logs are always in international date format
EXL-7996storefront v4 - Azure Calculator - Warning Message is not displayed when the Storefront user is using a currency that it's not supported by Microsoft.
EXL-7506GET /api/Invoices API method should sort the result using the created Date.
EXL-7495Backordering mechanism creates subscriptions with wrong effective date (minus one day).
EXL-8140Storefront v4 - Wrong error message is displayed when the customer enters an existing domain in "Service Details" step