Activating the Integration with Adobe OLD

Activating the Integration with Adobe OLD

The first step to employ Adobe solutions to an interworks.cloud instance is to activate the Adobe Service Manager as well as deploy the RabbitMQ server on your infrastructure. This action will enable the necessary components in interworks.cloud platform so that you can then import the available Adobe SKU's manually and configure the presentation layer in your Storefront. You can see how, by reading the following instructions.


Getting the Adobe API Credentials

It is assumed that there is a standing agreement with Adobe and that Adobe has provided you with the following guide on creating the necessary credentials for the Adobe API.

In the first tab, as a new and existing partner, you can find the latest guide for creating and retrieving your Adobe credentials. These credentials are necessary for connecting the Adobe Service Manager instance to Adobe's systems via API. In the second tab, you can find the old guide for creating and retrieving your Adobe credentials. Although this guide is deprecated, it is kept only for the reference of existing partners.

Please continue to the following section for more information.


Configuring Adobe API Access on BSS

To configure the Adobe integration instance, please proceed with the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to BSS Setup > Administration > System Options > Applications Setup > Adobe Services > Settings.


  2. There are some simple attributes, that define the connection to the Adobe API. The below field values are created by the distributor by following this New Adobe guide at the beginning of this page, under the first tab. Please note that only the “Distributor ID” value is provided by Adobe. Every other field value must be created by you.


  3. Depending on whether you are a new or an existing partner, different fields of each Adobe instance need to be filled in or left empty, depending on the authentication method you have credentials for.

    For the New authentication method, the required fields for the instance authentication are: Client ID, and Client Secret, along with the checkbox called “Enable Server to Server Credentials” to be enabled.

    For the Existing authentication method, the required fields for the instance authentication are: Client ID, Client Secret, Organization ID, Technical Account ID, Distributor ID (provided by default by Adobe), Certificate Password, and Certificate. Also, in this case, the checkbox called “Enable Server to Server Credentials” must be disabled.

    The fields are explained as follows:

    System Name: In this field, you define how the instance is named, for example: "Adobe Services". This field needs to be filled in always irrespective of the new or the old authentication mechanism.

    Client ID: In this field, you fill in the Client ID value. Its form is numeric. This field needs to be filled in always irrespective of the new or the old authentication mechanism.

    Client Secret: In this field, you fill in the Client Secret value. This field needs to be filled in always irrespective of the new or the old authentication mechanism.

    Organization ID: In this field, you fill in the Organization ID value. Its form is <alphanumericText@AdobeOrg>. This field needs to be filled in only for the old authentication mechanism. The new authentication mechanism does not require this field.

    Technical Account ID: In this field, you fill in the Technical Account ID value. Its form is <alphanumericText@”organization”.adobe.com>. This field needs to be filled in only for the old authentication mechanism. The new authentication mechanism does not require this field.

    Distributor ID: In this field, you fill in your Distributor ID value. Its form is numeric.

    Certificate Password: In this field, you fill in the “pfx“ certificate password. This field needs to be filled in only for the old authentication mechanism. The new authentication mechanism does not require this field.

    Certificate: In this field, you need to browse, select, and upload the “pfx“ certificate that you have created, from the previous section “Getting the Adobe API Credentials“. This field needs to be filled in only for the old authentication mechanism. The new authentication mechanism does not require this field.

    Pricing Files (COM, EDU, GOV, and their 3YC counterparts): In these fields, you need to browse, select, and upload the Excel file that corresponds to the products you wish to sell, be that Commercial, Education, and Governmental (with a 1-year or a 3-years commitment). Also, these price lists are the ones that you have created and edited, based on the Adobe VIP MP Volume Discount | Importing the Discount Pricing Excel File with the Final Prices guide.

    Products Selling Currencies: In this field, you need to provide the currencies with which you wish to offer Adobe services (COM, EDU, and GOV) to your customers. These currencies, when added in the instance, will:
    Be automatically enabled in the Adobe EDU & GOV products.
    Not be automatically enabled in the Adobe COM products (except the “Adobe Stock Credit Packs”). This is a manual process that will take place via the Products Importer tool. For more information please continue to the Adobe VIP MP Volume Discount | Enabling Pricing Currency page.

    Adobe Agreement Currency*: In this field, you need to provide the currency with which you have agreed with Adobe to sell Adobe services. This currency is used for the provisioning of Adobe services.
    *The Distributor should create new instances for each Adobe Agreement Currency he wants to be charged by Adobe and upload the corresponding Excel for this currency from the Portal of Adobe.

    Update Product Names: You have two options in this drop-down menu field. You can choose “Continuously update names“ so that the product name descriptions are updated with each run of the Get Services Definition service or “Set default names only on create“ to keep the same product name descriptions that were provided during their first creation.

    Update Minimum Purchase Quantity: You have the below two options in this drop-down menu field.
    Continuously update the minimum purchase quantity (default option): This option allows you to automatically adjust the minimum purchase quantity to align with the values in the pricing file in the latest GSD instance.
    Do not automatically update the minimum purchase quantity: This option allows you to manually set the minimum purchase quantity, regardless of whether Adobe has provided a default requirement. This manual value will only be updated by the BSS user and will override any default minimum quantity requirements set by Adobe.
    If there is no value in the “Update Minimum Purchase Quantity“ field, it will not appear in the product details section of the product view page.

Important Clarifications Relating to the “Minimum Purchase Quantity” Functionality:

  • To automatically update your Minimum Purchase Quantity, you must initiate a new GSD process & save the instance.

  • Every single order must independently meet the minimum quantity requirement; prior orders do not count toward this total. For example, if a platform user wants to increase the quantity of "Adobe Express for Enterprise, For Students (100+) (EDU)," the new order must still meet the minimum quantity requirement of 100 or more seats.

  • When placing an add-on order for a product with a minimum purchase quantity, a precheck ensures the correct provisioning to Adobe. If the order quantity does not meet the required minimum, the following error message will appear:

    • The “[add-on name]” has a minimum purchase quantity of [X].

Enable Server to Server Credentials: This checkbox field needs to be enabled (checked) only if the instance authentication method is the OAuth server-to-server authentication. Otherwise, it needs to be deactivated (unchecked).

Adobe EDU & GOV Support Multiple Currencies Inside the “Products Selling Currencies“ Field Inside the Adobe Instance(s).

When the Pricing Files are Uploaded to the Adobe Service Manager Instance, Product Prices are Updated Automatically via the Get Services Definition (GSD) process

Each time the Get Services Definition (GSD) process is run, the product prices are updated based on the prices uploaded to the respective pricing-file fields (COM, EDU, and GOV) of the Adobe Service Manager Instance. Concerning the commercial (COM) products, only the “Adobe Stock Credit Packs” update their product prices automatically via the aforementioned process. The rest of the commercial (COM) products along with their prices, are imported to our platform via the products import tool and not via the Get Services Definition (GSD) process.

Error While Uploading (COM, EDU, GOV) Pricing Files to the Instance With Invalid Characters

When the uploaded pricing files (COM, EDU, GOV) contain invalid characters, the following error is displayed:
“Additional Details could not be saved. Please contact your administrator.“

If this error message is displayed, please contact our support team by submitting a ticket that includes all excel pricing files uploaded in the instance.

Once you fill in the above fields, click on the "Save" button. 


  1. Now, you can click on the Get Services Definition button to import the Adobe Product Type, named Adobe Services, automatically to the BSS.


    If you wish to check the results and/or logs of the Get Services Definition process, please check the 'Get Services Definition' Action page.

    Note that, contrary to the behavior of other interworks.cloud Service Managers, Adobe Service Manager creates only one container product but it does not create BSS end-products to match the Adobe SKU's. The distributor must manually import the end products inside the BSS via an Excel file. This process is analyzed on the Importing/Updating Adobe Products & Prices to BSSarchived page.

You are done with creating the required Adobe Product Type and/or updating the Service Manager with the latest functionality.