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This page describes the functions and features of the Power BI Reconciliation Tool for Microsoft Services. This tool can be used by indirect and direct Microsoft CSPs to cross-check the charges between the platform and Microsoft. It compares what Microsoft charges to the CSP against the cost of the invoice items our platform has generated.

The services that can be reconciled from the tool are the following:

  • Legacy Office 365 and Dynamics offers

  • New Commerce Experience offers

  • Azure Plans

  • Software subscriptions

The comparison reconciliation is made per Microsoft subscription. The subscriptions that will be reconciled are the superset of the Microsoft subscriptions billed either from our system or from Microsoft in the same reconciliation period. Suppose that for the same period:

  • Our system has billed 10 Microsoft subscriptions

  • In MS reconciliation files there are charges for 12 subscriptions

  • Only 7 of the subscriptions are common in both systems

The tool will reconcile 15 subscriptions: the 7 common subscriptions + 3 subscriptions billed from our system but not from Microsoft + 5 subscriptions billed from Microsoft but not from our system.

Reconciliation Algorithm

This section explains the algorithm the tool uses to show the results, and how the calculations are made.


The algorithms for selecting the valid invoice items and for calculating the coverage factor for the given reconciliation period are common for both platform invoice items and Microsoft reconciliation files items.

  1. The selected Reconciliation Period is the key filter that starts the algorithm. The tool performs the calculations and filters the appropriate invoice items based on the reconciliation period.

    1. For platform invoices: We collect invoice items that do not belong to canceled invoices. We collect the analytical items since the analytical lines are always linked with a single subscription.

    2. For Microsoft reconciliation lines: We collect all items that are part of the reconciliation period

  2. For the platform charges, the tool filters invoice items based on the reconciliation period by checking the invoice item's Start or End Date. For example, for the reconciliation period 01/01/2023 - 31/01/2023, the tool will collect the following items:

    1. Items that belong to invoices created between 01/12/2022 - 30/04/2023

      1. We collect the invoices that were created at least one month before the reconciliation period because they might have items that charge days in the reconciliation period.

      2. We collect the invoices that were created at most 3 months after the end of the reconciliation period for covering scenarios where charges were missing and were created later.

    2. The invoice item's start or end date is in the reconciliation period. Paradigms of valid invoice items for the period 01/01/2023 - 31/01/2023 are:

      1. Item for the period 14/12/2023 - 13/01/2023

      2. Item for the period 05/01/2023 - 23/01/2023

      3. Item for the period 19/01/2023 - 18/01/2024

  3. The tool calculates how many days of the invoice item’s billing period belong to the reconciliation period for defining the coverage factor. Due to the varying number of days in a month, we assume that a month always has 30 days. If, for example, an invoice item is for the period 22/12/20203 - 21/01/2023 and the reconciliation period is from 01/01/2023 - 31/01/2023, the coverage factor will be 21 (days in recon period) / 30 = 0,7.

  4. This coverage factor is then multiplied by the item's total cost to calculate the cost for the specific reconciliation period.

  5. Since the calculations are done per Microsoft Subscription (based on Microsoft’s ID), the cost per Microsoft subscription for the given reconciliation period is calculated by aggregating all the costs of all items for this subscription.

  6. The 2 final costs (platform's and Microsoft’s) are compared, and the difference is displayed in the “Cost Difference” column.

Prerequisites for Activating the Reconciliation Tool

The activation can be done by your Customer Success Manager or by contacting our support department. To complete the activation we will need from you:

  1. The credentials of an API user and your authentication keys - We suggest creating a new one specifically for the reconciliation application. We will use this user for collecting the invoices from your organization.

  2. A Power BI Pro user. This is the user we will invite to our Power BI Reconciliation application. You can have more than one user accessing the application, but all your users must hold a Power BI Pro license.

  3. The Microsoft reconciliation files for the previous month. The files must be unedited, as downloaded from the MPC, and in .csv format. Please check Upload your Microsoft Reconciliation Files for the naming of the files.

Type of Discrepancies

Define which discrepancies can be raised from the toolXXXXX

Upload your Microsoft Reconciliation Files

The reconciliation files obtained from MPC must be uploaded to the Sharepoint link provided by Customer Support. Please ensure that the following naming convention is followed:
Do not open or edit the files you will download from Microsoft Partner Center. The files must be unedited, as downloaded from the MPC, and in .csv format.

  • For NCE subscriptions:

  • For legacy subscriptions:


Please note that the reconciliation files contain charges for the previous month. i.e., APRIL2022_MSRECON_NCE contains the charges for NCE subscriptions which took place in March, 2022.

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