Reconciliation Process

Reconciliation Process

Power BI Reconciliation Tool

This page describes the functions and features of the Power BI Reconciliation Tool for Microsoft Services. Indirect and direct Microsoft CSPs can use this tool to cross-check the charges between the interworks.cloud platform and Microsoft. It compares what Microsoft charges to the CSP against the cost of the invoice items our platform has generated.

Reconciling Microsoft Subscriptions Quantities

For reconciling MS O365 BSS subscriptions with their Partner Center equivalents, we have implemented a tool called "Subscriptions Validation/Reconciliation" that is available in BSS Setup > Tools. The tool offers Partner Center details about each subscription, but more importantly, it validates BSS subscription vs Partner Center and reports the findings on a user-friendly interface. Additionally, it can be used to apply corrective actions if it detects an issue.

Reconciling O365 Charges with Microsoft

This page explains how you will reconcile the O365 charges our system generates for your customers with the charges you receive from Microsoft. For the reconciliation, you will use a report that you can create in your BSS.

Reconciling Azure Charges with Microsoft

This page explains how you will reconcile the Azure charges our system generates for your customers with the charges you receive from Microsoft. For the reconciliation, you will use a report that you can create in your BSS.

Reconciling Azure Plan Reserved Instance & Azure Reserved Instance Charges with Microsoft

This page explains how you will reconcile the Azure Reserved Instance charges our system generates for your customers with the charges you receive from Microsoft. For the reconciliation, you will use a report that you can create in your BSS.

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