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The ordering process for an Adobe product (add-on) is similar to the process of any other cloud application. The reseller can select the Adobe container product along with any one of the Adobe products (in the form of an add-on) that he has published in his Storefront and add them to his basket. 

Ordering Rules

Below is a list of rules that our platform applies for Adobe orders:

  1. The Adobe integration currently allows orders only from synced partners (resellers).
  2. For an Adobe subscription to be valid, the ordering process requires the Adobe container product as well as one add-on to be added to the same basket, since the container product is just a shell for the add-on, which is the actual Adobe product.
  3. When creating an order for an Adobe product, the Quantity of the container product "Adobe Services" is always one and the Quantity of the single add-on can be one or more*.
    *By more, we mean a maximum of:
    1. Ten thousand (10000) for Team products
    2. Two hundred thousand (200000) for Enterprise products. 
  4. Adobe products allow a single subscription per one unique email associated with an Adobe account. If the user tries to order another Adobe container product, an error message appears informing the user that the extra product cannot be ordered, since an existing subscription is already present.
  5. Upgrading and downgrading actions are not possible.
  6. Adobe add-on partial changes such as reducing the number of licenses is possible.
  7. Cancellation of the Adobe product is only available during the first fourteen days (14) of an executed order.
  8. Since Adobe allows users to handle their subscriptions and add-ons, automatic execution of add-on cancellations, is available through our platform.
  9. Volume discounts are available.
  10. Orders from either BSS or Storefront containing more than one add-on (product) per order are allowed.
  11. Trials are not available.

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Calculation of Volume Discount Level

The volume discount level is calculated based on the total quantity of all add-ons per order.

Reseller's Adobe Registration in Storefront Prior to Ordering

Your resellers need to be registered as Adobe Resellers before ordering an Adobe product in the Storefront for the first time. Therefore, resellers must navigate to the My Account page in Storefront, by clicking on the human-like  icon at the top right corner of the screen, enable the acceptance checkbox found under the "Adobe Services" section, after reading and accepting Adobe's Terms and Conditions, and then click on the Register button.

That's it! Your reseller is now a registered Adobe Reseller. An account has been created in Adobe's systems, and from this point onwards, he can continue the checkout process, by clicking on the basket  icon.

Ordering from Storefront

When synced resellers log in to the Storefront, they can purchase the Adobe container product along with one or more add-ons (actual Adobe products) by adding them to the basket. Adobe add-ons are available for purchase under the "Adobe Services" product. By selecting the "Add to Basket" button, resellers will be redirected to the following page, where they can proceed with the ordering process of the "Adobe Services" container product and compulsorily add one or more add-ons (actual products) and choose the number of additional licenses for each add-on, by increasing the quantity, as indicated by the following image. Remember that the more licenses you order, the better the volume discount will be.

  • Please note that the "Adobe Services" container product will always have a zero "0" unit price since only the add-ons are the ones that are being charged.

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Informative Tooltip of Non-Final Prices on the "Add to Basket" Page

The informative tooltip  that appears under the What You Pay section of the Add to Basket page notifies the Storefront users that the product price will be calculated at the next step when the end customer gets selected because the prices are recalculated based on the end customer's discount level of their Adobe account. 

After this step, by selecting "Proceed to checkout", the resellers land on the first step (Basket Items page) of the ordering process, where they can choose if the order is created for one of their end customers (and even create a new end customer)and proceed by clicking on Checkout. The actual calculation of the discounted prices happens in this step where the reseller has chosen the end customer for the order. In this example, the order is for an existing and synced end customer, where the Volume Discount Level is calculated and displayed.

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Volume Discounts on New or Existing (Synced or Unsynced) End Customers

When a synced reseller places an order for: 

  • A new unsynced end-customer, that end customer will receive volume discounts depending on the number of licenses of the Adobe add-ons(products) that are being ordered (for the first time), since our system will calculate the applicable discount level
  • An existing unsynced end-customer, that end customer will receive volume discounts depending on the number of licenses of the Adobe add-ons(products) that are being ordered (for the first time), since our system will calculate the applicable discount level
  • An existing synced end-customer, that end customer will receive volume discounts depending on their existing Adobe discount level, since our system will calculate the applicable discount level based only on the Adobe system current discount level.

When an unsynced reseller tries to place an order for any of their end customers, the system will not allow it since the reseller must always be synced with Adobe prior to placing an order. Therefore, the reseller must first complete the registration process analyzed in the'sAdobeRegistrationinStorefrontPriortoOrdering section.

Overall the volume discounts per level are always available and applicable to the end customers of a reseller when that reseller is registered and synced with Adobe. Otherwise, the reseller cannot place Adobe orders at all. Also, the volume discount price does not require the end customer to be synced.

Volume Discount Level Informative Message

A synced reseller can see, inside the Basket Items page in the Storefront, the actual Adobe Volume Discount Level that is used for the price calculation in the form of an informative blue-ribbon message while ordering a new Adobe add-on or increasing the quantity of an existing one. This message is highlighted in green on the screenshot above, and depicts the actual Adobe Volume Discount Level of the selected end customer. The level is calculated based on the end customer’s current level in Adobe, along with the add-on quantity of the new Adobe order, right after the synced reseller has chosen an existing end customer or created a new one, all under the option, It is for reselling.

However, in case an error occurs during the communication between the two systems (BSS & Adobe), a warning message is displayed instead, stating the following:

  • Volume Discount Level for Adobe products could not be retrieved.

(warning) To view the aforementioned info box, you need to re-run the Get Service Definition action for the related Adobe instance.

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List of Possible Warning Messages During the Checkout Process in Storefront

  1. Forgetting to Add an Adobe add-on to the Basket.

  2. Attempting to create a New Adobe subscription where another one already exists for that Account.

  3. Attempting to buy an Adobe add-on where the same one already exists for that Account.

  4. Synced reseller attempts to place an order for an Adobe add-on for personal use.

  5. Unsynced reseller attempts to place an order for anyone.

  6. Storefront user belonging to an account with no reselling capability attempts to place an order.

  7. Very Rare Error Message

    In the rare case where the following message is displayed either in BSS or in Storefront: "An error has occurred while retrieving the price for the product <Product Name>, and the process cannot be completed. Please contact your Distributor.". To troubleshoot it, please contact your Distributor to contact the interworks support team.

The Service Details step does not appear during the ordering process even though the Account of a new customer is unsynced since the system automatically retrieves the required information and the customer's account is synchronized during the checkout completion, so this step is omitted from the ordering process.

The order will be completed after all the Ordering steps are passed. 

Upon the final Checkout, the following process will be executed:

  1. A new subscription will be created in our BSS as well as in the Adobe Account of the end customer.
  2. The Adobe product(s) in the form of add-on(s) will be provisioned.
  3. Also, the add-on(s) license(s) purchased will be assigned to the Adobe Account of the end customer.
    If this is the first order your reseller placed for his end-customer of an Adobe add-on, the end-customer will receive a welcome email from Adobe containing his VIP number along with his organization name, and a link, that confirms and activates the Adobe account

Ordering from Cloud BSS

A BSS user can also purchase one or more Adobe products in the form of add-ons on behalf of his end customers, by placing an order directly on BSS. For first-time Adobe orders via BSS, the reseller's BSS account must be synchronized with Adobe. The ordering process is similar to the rest of cloud applications, with one exception. The BSS user has to add in the order the Adobe container product ("Adobe Services") along with one or more add-ons (actual products), if he is ordering for the first time for that end-customer. Otherwise, he can just select the add-on(s) he wishes to order and it will be automatically added to the existing subscription of the end customer. 

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Volume Discounts on New or Existing (Synced or Unsynced) End Customers

When a synced reseller places an order for: 

  • A new unsynced end-customer, that end customer will receive volume discounts depending on the number of licenses of one or more Adobe add-ons(products) that are being ordered (for the first time), since our system will calculate the applicable discount level
  • An existing unsynced end-customer, that end customer will receive volume discounts depending on the number of licenses of one or more Adobe add-ons(products) that are being ordered (for the first time), since our system will calculate the applicable discount level
  • An existing synced end-customer, that end customer will receive volume discounts depending on their existing Adobe discount level, since our system will calculate the applicable discount level based only on the Adobe system current discount level.

When an unsynced reseller tries to place an order for any of their end customers, the system will not allow it since the reseller must always be synced with Adobe prior to placing an order. Therefore, the reseller must first complete the registration process analyzed in the Creating your Customers as Tenants in Adobe's Systems page.

Overall the volume discounts per level are always available and applicable to the end customers of a reseller when that reseller is registered and synced with Adobe. Otherwise, the reseller cannot place Adobe orders at all. Also, the volume discount price does not require the end customer to be synced.

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List of Possible Warning Messages During the Ordering Process in BSS

  1. Adding to an order the same Adobe product (add-on) twice, instead of increasing the quantity of the existing Adobe product (add-on), will not allow the order to be executed, and the following warning message appears:
  2. Trying to create another Adobe subscription when an existing Adobe subscription (with the same products) is already active: It seems that an Adobe subscription already exists for “Account’s name”. Please update that subscription.
  3. Synced reseller attempts to place an order for an Adobe add-on for personal use: "Adobe Services" cannot be purchased by resellers for personal usage.
  4. Unsynced reseller attempts to place an order for anyoneAdobe "prod name" can only be purchased by registered Adobe Resellers. If you are an Adobe Distributor, please visit the Reseller Account Page and synchronize it with Adobe Services. If you are a Reseller and wish to register as an Adobe Reseller, please navigate to your Account page and complete your registration.
  5. BSS user belonging to an account with no reselling capability attempts to place an order: This account is not defined as a Reseller.
  6. Very Rare Error Message: In the rare case where the following message is displayed either in BSS or in Storefront: "An error has occurred while retrieving the price for the product <Product Name>, and the process cannot be completed. Please contact your Distributor.". To troubleshoot it, please contact your Distributor to contact the interworks support team.

Upon creation of the order, the reseller must execute the order for the system to execute the following:

  1. A new subscription will be created in our BSS as well as in the Adobe Account of the end customer.
  2. The Adobe product(s) in the form of add-on(s) will be provisioned.
  3. Also, the add-on license(s) purchased will be assigned to the Adobe Account of the end customer.
    If this is the first order your reseller placed of an Adobe product, the end customer will receive a welcome email from Adobe containing his VIP number along with his organization name, and a link, that confirms and activates the Adobe account

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Acceptance of Adobe's Terms and Conditions in BSS
We consider that on BSS the distributor is responsible for his reseller’s acceptance of Adobe's Terms and Conditions. The communication between the distributor and his reseller regarding Adobe's Terms and Conditions takes place outside of BSS.

Error Messages During the Account Synchronization

Our Adobe Service Manager, in BSS, handles and displays internal errors messages regarding the reason why the BSS account failed to sync with Adobe.
More specifically, in the below table, you can find the reason as well as the indicated error messages displayed by the system.

AccountIsNotDefinedAsResellerThe account is not defined as a reseller.
CustomerIsNotActiveThe customer is not active.
CustomerNotBelongToResellerThe customer does not belong to the reseller.
DistributorIdNotValidThe distributor id is not Valid.
NoCitySpecifiedNo city was specified inside the address of the account.
NoPostCodeSpecifiedNo postcode was specified inside the address of the account.
NotAccountEmailSpecifiedNo account email was specified.
RequestCreateCustomerRejectedThe request to create a customer has been rejected by Adobe.
RequestCreateResellerRejectedThe request to create a reseller has been rejected by Adobe.
ResellerIsNotActiveThe reseller is not active.
PostCodeNotValidThe postcode is not valid.
CountryNotValidThe country is not valid.

Also, two types of external error messages are returned from Adobe when during an Account Synchronization, there is an issue.
The first type is when there is an invalid field error(1) while the second type is when there are many invalid fields(2) which need addressing for the account synchronization to be successfully completed.

Error TypesForm of Error MessageExample

One Invalid Field:

Invalid Address (additionaldetails1)
  • Invalid Address (companyProfile.address.region).

    • It means that the region in the account’s address is invalid.
Many Invalid Fields:Some Fields are Invalid (additionaldetails1, additionaldetails2, ...)
  • Some Fields are invalid (

    • It means that the contact’s mail is invalid.

  • Some Fields are invalid (companyProfile.contacts.firstname).

    • It means that the contact’s first name is invalid.

Both these internal and external error messages appear inside the Provisioning Sync Status located inside the Account view page in BSS.

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