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For existing trial subscriptions, you can prolong the trial period to match customer needs and requirements. Check out how to do that!


Extending a Trial Subscription Period

  1. Locate the trial subscription. 
  2. Click the 'Extend Trial Period' option on the 'Shortcut' menu. 

    Ui text box

    Not all users can extend the trial period of a subscription

    In case this option is not available, your BSS user most probably doesn't have the appropriate user rights for the Billling > 'Allow Extend Trial' action! see the  Manage Users article for details on how to add the required access rights.

  3. On the popup screen select the extension parameters. You can either extend the subscription for the pre-defined trial period or you can select a new period by clicking the appropriate option.

  4. Click 'Extend'. That's it!


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