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The information included in this page applies only to Indirect Microsoft CSPs since it explains how our platform checks the acceptance of MPA for your indirect resellers.


The Microsoft Partner Agreement makes the contracting experience easier while continuing to meet regulatory obligations and promote trust among Microsoft, partners, and customers. This dynamically created agreement delivers relevant terms based on partner type and the offers they’re qualified to sell. A more efficient contracting experience reduces complexity, and this perpetual agreement doesn’t expire or follow an annual revision cycle.

As partners of Microsoft, you (our Cloud Solution Provider partners) need to accept the latest Microsoft Partner Agreement (MPA) in order to be able to transact in the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program.

From November 2020 Microsoft rolled out an implementation plan, that is executed in phases, where indirect resellers who have not accepted the MPA will be unable to create new customers or place new orders for existing customers in the Cloud Solution Provider program

MPA Verification Process for your Indirect Resellers

verification of the Partner Agreement will take place in our system for every transaction with Microsoft. This verification process checks whether an Indirect Reseller has signed the latest Partner Agreement. The verification takes place on our BSS platform as well as on the Storefront.

As a general rule, if a Partner has not accepted the agreement the verification process will run before any transaction with Microsoft. If the resellers have not agreed, the process will stop with an informative message, which will redirect the reseller to the Microsoft Partner Center (MPC) to agree with the latest license. However, there are some changes that follow in the analysis below.

Verification Process

Each Microsoft partner (your indirect Resellers) has a Partner Global account (PGA) that is equivalent to HQ of a company. A partner can have also Partner Location Accounts (PLA) which is equivalent to divisions or subsidiaries of his company in another location. For his PGA account, he is having a global MPN ID that is used for managing all non-transactional business.  for each PLA it has a "location MPN ID" which is used for transactional business such as CSP or incentives programs. 

Microsoft accepts that the indirect reseller has signed the MPA if there is at least one CSP tenant which has signed the MPA in the same CSP region.

So, in the following paradigm even if you reseller enters his global MPN ID (123456) or the FRA location MPN ID (1234568), Microsoft will accept that he has signed the MPA because there is at least one tenant (in UK) that has signed the MPA. 

When the MPA Verification Process will be Executed?

The transactions that the MPA verification process will be executed are:

Storefront and BSS

  • Create a subscription

  • Execute an order

  • Change the quantity of a subscription (increase/decrease)

  • Edit a subscription/asset 

  • Add Add On

  • Change quantity of an Add On (increase/decrease)

Only in BSS

  • Activate inactive Subscription

  • Retry provisioning of a failed Add On

  • Retry provisioning of a failed subscription

  • BSS user executes a cancellation request that was created from the Marketplace 

Only in Storefront

  • Request for partial cancellation of add on or subscription

When the MPA Verification Process will Not be Executed?

The MPA verification will not be executed in:

 Storefront and BSS:

  • For full cancellation of a subscription.

  • For full cancellation of an Add-on.

  • For transactions of a Direct CSP (no Indirect Resellers are available).

Only in BSS:

  • For deletion of subscription(s).

  • For suspension of subscription(s).

Examples of no execution of MPA verification:

  1. On Storefront, you can fully cancel an add on from your subscription (if no automatic execution of requests is enabled). However, this action does not perform provisioning and as such, the MPA verification is not executed.

  2. On BSS, you can change the billing options of your subscription (e.g. its unit or when it is charged- on subscription start or end). However, this action does not perform provisioning and as such, the MPA verification is not executed. 

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Please note, that the MPN ID we use for the MPA verification is the one which is currently on the Account's sync options and not the one with which the transaction has been performed in the past! This means that when we perform the MPA verification for an existing subscription we do not check the MPA against the MPN ID which was used/send for this subscription but the one on the Account's sync options! In general, we expect that the MPN ID in both cases will be the same. However, if the Reseller has created a subscription with MPN ID and then changes its MPN ID to B, when a provisioning action is performed on this subscription, we will use MPN ID B to check against MPA

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Microsoft Responses During MPA Verification

If Microsoft responds with TRUE, during the MPA Verification process, this means that the MPA has been signed, and our systems proceed with the order.
If Microsoft responds with TRUE, during the MPA Verification process, you can proceed to the Not Signed MPA section of this page for more information.
If Microsoft responds with an ERROR, during the MPA Verification process, you can proceed to the listed Error Messages of this page for more information.

Not Signed MPA 

If your indirect reseller hasn't signed the latest MPA, our system will not allow him or any of your BSS users to place an order for any of the reseller's end customers. The error will be displayed in both BSS and Storefront, and it will be the following:

"Instance's name Error: The Reseller with MPN ID:0000002 has not accepted the Microsoft Partner Agreement yet. Please make sure the agreement is signed on Microsoft Partner Center in order to proceed"

In BSS this message will be displayed during order execution or when a subscription is updated:

In Storefront the error message is displayed during the Service Details step or during the Basket Item step depending on if the end customer has already been synced or not.

  1. The reseller places an order for a new end customer. If the end customer for whom the service is destined is unsynced, the Service Details step is displayed. Once the details are filled, we will retrieve the MPN ID defined on this page, and upon clicking the "Checkout" button, the MPA check will be executed. If the reseller whose MPN ID has been defined has agreed to the MPA, then the process will continue normally. If the MPN ID belongs to a reseller that has not agreed to the MPA, we will display the error on the Service Details page and the reseller will not be able to complete the checkout.

  2. The reseller places an order for an end-customer that has already been synchronized as a Microsoft tenant. In these cases, the MPA verification will be performed on Basket Items page for the following transactions: Buy extra licenses, Buy Addons, and Upgrade Trial to Paid.

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Error Messages

The following error messages can be displayed during MPA validation depending on the validity of reseller’s MPN ID.

  • MPN ID xxxxx is either invalid or not yet migrated to Partner Center. The MPN ID needs to be migrated to Partner Center in order to proceed.

  • The Reseller with MPN ID: xxx has not signed the Microsoft Partner Agreement for the region where the order is being placed. Please make sure the agreement is signed on Microsoft Partner Center in order to proceed."

  • MPN ID xxxx is not associated with a CSP Indirect Reseller account in Partner Center. The Reseller needs to enroll into the CSP program in order to proceed

  • The CSP region of the MPN ID 1234567 doesn’t match the CSP region from where you are placing the order. Provide the MPN ID for the CSP region where you are placing the order.

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Microsoft Responses During MPA Verification

  • If Microsoft responds with TRUE, meaning that the MPA has been signed, our systems proceed with the order.