Versions Compared


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In this page you will find the analysis of the Usage and Billing Data option (also known as “Import of Additional Billing Data“) of the import tool that is utilized for Pay Per Use (PPU) subscriptions usage along with their respective billing data (unit cost and unit price), which are being calculated to then be automatically related to the corresponding subscription in BSS for the final billing.

This new import tool option called “Import of Additional Billing Datais a different import option from the existing Import Usage Data option of the import tool because it provides you with the flexibility to import usage records including the unit price and unit cost, without the need to create PPU add-ons and PPU product types to configure the metered resources. Therefore, for the new option of the import tool to be operational, you just need to create a PPU container product as well as a PPU subscription based on that product, without the need for extra maintenance that the existing import tool option requires.

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Timeframe of Importing Additional Billing Data

The importing of the additional billing data of metered resources is allowed for previous billing cycles and current billing cycle.

Locating the Additional Billing Data Importer

The Additional Billing Data importer option can be found in the BSS portal by navigating to BSS > Billing > Usage Data, and clicking on the Import File button.


Then, the new import option resides next to the existing “Import Usage Data” import tool option. Within this latest option, the BSS user can import usage records, as well as the unit cost and sell prices for these usages, and the initial quantities of newly created PPU Subscriptions, from manually created Excel spreadsheets, directly into the BSS portal.


Preparation Before Importing Usage Records with Billing Data

As previously mentioned, BSS users can import additional billing usage records while the initial quantity of newly created PPU Subscriptions is automatically been filled in with the default value of one(1).

The BSS user must first create an Excel spreadsheet with eight (8) distinct column titles, namely, AccountCode*, Subscription, Resource, Quantity, Start Date, End Date, Unit Cost, and Unit Price.

Then, to import additional billing usage records into the Additional Billing Data tool, each row must be filled in with the respective data representing the Account identifier(be that the account description or account code or another custom account field), the Subscription name, the Resource name of that subscription, the Quantity of the usage, the Start and End Date of the billing period, as well as the Unit Cost price and the Unit Price (sell price) of the PPU metered resource.

Import Excel 0.png

Also, during the first import, the initial quantity of a newly created PPU Subscription will be filled in automatically by the system with the default value of one(1). Therefore, this action of defining the PPU subscription quantity is handled directly and automatically by the system during the first import of usage records for newly created PPU subscriptions. Furthermore, deleting the import file will notdecrease the subscription quantity down to 0.

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*Availability of Using Account Custom Fields instead of the Account Code Field

The “AccountCode” is used to identify the corresponding BSS account during the import of the Excel file in the tool. However, for customers that prefer to be more flexible, we are also allowing (via the Account Identifier field) any available Account Custom Field to be used in place of the “AccountCode” to identify a BSS account, during the mapping process of the import that we analyze below.

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Subscription Name Used After a Renaming Occurance

The Subscription column field relating directly to the name of the Subscription, in the event of a renaming, must always be the latest (renamed) name for the current billing cycle as well as for the past billing cycles.

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Rules Governing the Excel Spreadsheet Preparation Prior to the Import

  1. The Start Date cannot be configured to be earlier than the actual creation date of the subscription.

  2. The Start Date and End Date cannot be configured to be on a future date, meaning a date later than the current date.

  3. The Start Date and End Date cannot be split between two billing cycles. If the billing cycle is from the 01/06 - 30/06 then the aforementioned dates cannot be configured from the 15/06 - 15/07.

  4. The Start date can be configured at a past date, for providing usage of past billing cycles, as long as the #1 rule is upholded.

  5. If the Start Date value is blank, the import will fail*.

  6. If the End Date value is blank, the import will fail*.

  7. If the Unit Cost value is blank, the import will fail*.

  8. If the Unit Cost value is not numeric, the import will fail*.

  9. If the Unit Cost value is a negative numeric value, the import will fail*.

  10. If the Unit Price value is blank, the import will fail*.

  11. If the Unit Price value is not numeric, the import will fail*.

  12. If the Unit Price value is a negative numeric value, the import will fail*.

  13. If the Quantity value of the usages is blank, the import will fail*.

  14. If the Subscription name value is filled in wrong, the import will fail*.

  15. If the Account identifier value is filled in wrong, the import will fail*.

  16. In case the user imports usages after the expiration date of the subscription, the import will fail*.

    * All failed import records can be accessed via the Failed tab which is analyzed further below. The user can fix the problems faced during import and resubmit these records.

Once the Excel file is created and saved, the BSS user can continue with the import.

Importing Usage Records with Billing Data

To begin the import of the Excel spreadsheet containing the usages per Subscription resource, per BSS Account, the BSS user can proceed with the following steps:

Click on the Import File button.

  1. Choose the previously created Excel file, by clicking on the Browse button,


    and then choose the specific spreadsheet that you wish to import.


  2. Once the Excel spreadsheet is loaded, you have to map the required fields of the import tool with those defined in the Excel spreadsheet columns.


    These are the following:

    • Account Identifier* (Mandatory): The account identifier is used to make sure which account the usage record is for. 

    • Subscription (Mandatory): The name of the subscription for which the usage record is for.

    • Resource (Mandatory): The name of the resource usage.  

    • Quantity (Mandatory): The quantity that needs to be billed. 

    • Start Date (Mandatory): The starting date of the measuring period (billing period).

    • End Date (Non-mandatory): This field defines the end of the measuring period (billing period). 

    • Unit Cost (Mandatory): The default unit cost price in which the cost prices will be added is the currency retrieved by the PPU subscription.

    • Unit Price (Mandatory): The default unit sell price in which the sell prices will be added is the currency retrieved by the PPU subscription.

      *As previously mentioned, the Account Identifier field, during the mapping process, can be any Account Identifier or Account Custom Field that the BSS user wishes to utilize to map the usages to a specific BSS Account containing the specific PPU subscription. Therefore, the Additional Billing Data import field called Account Identifier facilitates exactly that freedom of choice by utilizing a drop-down menu containing all the available BSS Account identifiers (such as the Account CodeorAccount Description) and any predefined Account Custom Fields (such as the Custom Acc Identifier).


    Please note that the usage data records need to comply with the following rules, to be successfully imported:

    1. The value of the Account Identifier in the import Excel file must be the value of the selected Account Identifier.

    2. The selected subscription must belong to the selected Account

    3. The quantity can be negative only when the usage record is used to increase or decrease the quantity of the subscription.  

    4. Since the resource is a metered one, the end date is a mandatory field

    5. The selected subscription doesn't have to be an active one. But the start and end date need to belong to a period of time that the specific subscription was indeed active. 

    6. Both the Start and End dates need to be older than or the same as the date that the import wizard ran

    7. When charging a product in PPU mode, the Start Date of the usage record cannot be older than the Start Date of the specific subscription.

    8. Since the usage record(s) are those of a metered resource, the Start Date can be set to any past date

    9. The End Date must always be bigger than the Start Date.

    10. In case the value of the Account Identifier is not unique per Account (for example, two Accounts have the same Accounting No.), then the update is performed at the most recent account.

    11. Unit Price and Unit Cost columns should be positive numbers. These numbers must be the default unit cost and unit price of the resource without any margin, markup, or VAT.

    12. Also, the Unit Price and Unit Cost columns can have zero (0) as a value.

    When the Account Identifier field has been matched with the respective Excel column, and all other fields have been mapped to their respective Excel spreadsheet columns, the BSS user can click on the Run Import button to initiate it.

  3. The import of the usage charges along with their billing data is initiated. The actions of the importer tool for every record are the following.

    1. The usage record gets connected to the subscription, and the subscription quantity changes its value from zero (0) to one (1).

    2. Nothing else gets shown inside the Subscription view page, concerning the import of those metered usage records.

    3. Also, currently, the subscription amount will not change according to the quantity declared in the usage record(s), but at a later release, this amount change of the subscription will become available.  
      ⚠️ If an Account has two or more subscriptions with the same name, the resources get connected to the most recent one.

  4. Upon the completion of the import, the imported usage records along with their billing data will be related to the corresponding subscriptions, to then be billed.

Viewing the Import Results

When clicking on the view log highlighted text, under the Log File column, the user gets navigated to the Import Results pop-up window. In there, the user can check two main elemental information.

ABD6 Success.png
  1. The Summary of the import process , which contains information such as the start and completion date as well as , the import status, and the comments of the import.

  2. The Detailed log of the import process , which contains granular information detailing the steps of the importer per each import sub-tasks.


Identifying from the Import Results Log which of the Two Import Options was Utilized

You can Identify which of the two importer options (“Additional Billing Data” or “Usage Data”) was utilized for the import by checking the “Comments” (3rd) line under the Summary section of the Import results, where the tool is stated as follows:

  • For Additional Billing Data: PPU with additional billing data

  • For Usage Data: PPU

Viewing the Imported Usage Records with Billing Data Object

When clicking on the submission page, the user gets navigated to the Additional Billing Data object view page.


On this page, the following sections exist: 


  1. Basic Information: Submission Date, Source Type, Source Name, Log File, Status.

    • Import Results: Three fields are shown here, the amount of total usage records, the amount of successful imports, and the amount of failed ones.

    • Notifications & Updates Section: The section that can be seen in every object in BSS. 

    • Detailed Log  All records originating from the import through the Import File Wizard or the call of the import API can be seen here. Two tabs can be shown in this section, and in each tab, 10 records can be viewed. 

      • "Failed" tab: In this tab, the user can view the failed records, but they are also offered the opportunity to fix the problems faced during import and resubmit these records.

        Import Failed.png

        To this end, in this tab, the following elements can be seen: 

        1. The 8 aforementioned fields that every usage record has, but in text mode, so that the user can edit them. 

        2. Errors Found for the specific record. For example:

          • For errors related to the Account Identifier, the error message is dynamic and shown as: <Selected account identifier name> is Undefined

          • Error related to the Subscription: Subscription is Undefined

          • Error related to the Resource: Resource is Undefined

          • Errors related to the date fields: Start Date must be subsequent to Subscription SignUp Date, Start Date must be subsequent to Subscription Start Date for Pay-per user charges, End Date Cannot be after Current Date, Start Date must be an earlier date than End Date, etc.

          • Errors related to the unit cost and unit price: UnitCost or UnitPrice cannot be less than zero for Metered Resources.

        3. The problematic field, with red color. 

        4. In case the problematic field is the Account Identifier, the user cannot change the Account Identifier that was previously selected in STEP 2. If they want to change it anyway, they must cancel this import and start a new one.

      • "Successful" tab: In this tab, the user can view the successful records.

        Import Successfull.png

        Specifically, they can see the following: 

        1. Customer: Link to the customer for whom the usage record is.

        2. Subscription: Link to the subscription involved in the process.

        3. Resource: The name of the resource usage.

        4. Usage Type: Pay-per-use/ Metered.

        5. Charge Entity: In the case of a PPU product, this is a link to the product charged.

        6. Start Date: The beginning date of the consumption data.

        7. End Date: The end date of the consumption data.

        8. Quantity: The quantity of the resource.

        9. Unit Cost: The default cost price per unit of resource.

        10. Unit Price: The default sell price per unit of resource.

        11. Unit of Measure: The unit of measure of the product derived from the charge entity field. 

        12. Billed: A green checkbox appears in case the usage record has already been invoiced. Otherwise, it is left blank. 

  2. Actions available on this page: 

    • "Apply changes and perform import again": This action is only available in the "Failed" tab and offers the user the opportunity to re-import fixed usage records.

      Apply changes and re run import - Button.png

      The results of this action are: 

      1. If the import is not done immediately, the view returns to the list of the usage data objects, and the status of the specific object becomes "Import in progress". If the import is done immediately, the view page gets refreshed. 

      2. The indices for the amount of successfully imported/ failed records get updated. 

      3. In the history of this usage data object, an entry can be seen bearing the comment "Imported X corrected records". 

    • "Export": This action is available to both tabs, and it allows the user to export the usage data records of each tab in an Excel file.  

Invoicing of the Usage Records with Billing Data After the Import

Since the importing of the metered resources with billing data is allowed for previous billing cycles, as well as the current billing cycle, no Pending invoice is visible although it has been created, for successful imports. These records are directly stored in the system database. In the next execution of the billing service, a check is initiated for any imported resource usages that have not yet been invoiced. The invoice will be generated automatically on the same night of the import date and the invoice will become available inside the invoices of the related account in the BSS portal.

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Invoicing Rules of the Additional Billing Data Importer

  1. Only successfully imported “Additional Billing Data“ records are gathered during the automatic invoice generation.

  2. Account and Product prorata do not affect the invoice generation.

  3. The additional billing data resources are always charged always for the whole billing cycle, and the charging is not depended dependent on the dates given in the EXCEL file. The dates in the Excel file are used only to verify that the resource charges belong to a cycle (current or past) as a full cycle or as a subset of it , in which the subscription was active.

  4. Αny applied pricing lists and rules that may exist at the billing cycle that you want to import the charges will be considered for the price calculation. The pricing lists and rules that have been set are being applied with the following scenarios:

    1. Subscription with Price list:

      1. In case there is a price list on the subscription, the pricing method defines the resource cost:

      2. Price list with discount via Percent of Sell Price → The price of the resource is the imported Unit Price, with the price list discount is applied.

      3. Price list with Currency Amount → The price of the resource is defined from the Price list and the Cost Price from the imported Cost Price.

      4. Price list with markup/margin on cost price → The price of the resource is the imported Cost Price, with the price list markup/margin applied.

    2. Subscription without a Price list:

      1. In case there is no pricelist on the subscription, the price of the resource is the imported Unit Price.

Rounding Example During Invoicing

You can check the following example to have a better understanding of the rounding logic of additional billing data after their import and during their invoicing. Let’s assume the following Excel file for a PPU Subscription with the following data:

Step 1: Provided Excel Data


Cost Price







Step 2: Database Record Creation


Cost Price







Step 3: UI Display of Values in the Importer Tool


Cost Price








Step 4: Invoice Generation, assuming a Price List with 10% Markup

  • Usage1: (0,3 * 250,20) = 75,06* 1,1 = 82,566 ~ 82,57 $

  • Usage2: (2 * 3412,8645) = 6825,729 * 1,1 = 7508,3019 ~ 7.508,30 $

  • Usage3: (3,48 * 6029,3986) = 20.982,307128  * 1,1 =  23.080,5378408 ~ 23.080,54 $


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No Invoice Generation After PPU Subscription Deletion

If i have a PPU subscription and perform an import of usages using the Additional Billing Data importer for the first time and then you delete the subscription, no invoice for usage data is expected to be generated after the billing service runs.

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