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For Adobe end customers who wish to change their reseller, we have implemented the Adobe Reseller Change Tool, which is analyzed on this page.

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This Reseller Change Tool is available only to logged-in Storefront users defined as Adobe Resellers meaning that they have previously registered to the Adobe MP channel,and their distributor is an Adobe Distributor.
Moreover, Tenant Resellers are unable to utilize the Reseller Change Tool.

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Adobe has introduced a new self-service change process that allows end customers to change their resellers without needing Adobe's assistance. If an end customer wishes to purchase from a different reseller, they can initiate the change by generating an authorization code in the Adobe Admin Console. Afterwards, this authorization code can be utilized inside our Adobe Reseller Change Tool, as analyzed below.

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All Adobe Products are Supported During a Reseller Change

All Adobe products and asset types (stock credit packs) are supported during a reseller change.

Accessing the Tool

To access the Adobe Reseller Change Tool, the Adobe reseller has to Log In to the Storefront, and from the profile icon, they must select the My Account option.

On the My Account page that opens up, they can locate the section Adobe Services at the end. Next to each Adobe instance, they have registered as Adobe resellers, they can witness the enabled Adobe Reseller Change button.


Therefore, if more than one Adobe instances are available, they can choose from which instance they wish to begin the reseller change to the BSS platform.

By clicking on the “Adobe Reseller Change“ button, Adobe resellers are redirected to the tool's page from the instance they have chosen.

Checking Customer’s Eligibility
titleStep 1

After opening the Adobe Reseller Change tool from the corresponding instance, Adobe resellers land on the first step of the reseller change process called “Authorization Code“. Here, they are presented with a text field that requests the end customer’s (Adobe) Authorization Code, which is necessary to check whether that Adobeend customer is eligible to be transferred from the source reseller to the destination reseller, and at the same time, it is required by our tool to begin the transfer of that end customer (along with their subscriptions) to the destination reseller, if everything checks-out.


Once Adobe resellers have provided the end customer’s Authorization Code in the text field mentioned above, they can click on the (enabled) Next button for the check to be initiated so that they can proceed to the second step of the transfer process.

Possible Issues with the Authorization Code

If the provided Authorization Code is not eligible, or not valid, or has expired, then the following message will appear on the first step of the transfer process.

  • The authorization code is either invalid or has expired. Please verify the code again or generate a new one via the Adobe Admin Console.

However, several errors, returning mostly from Adobe and also from our platform, are displayed based on the tool’s step they are currently on. A complete list of errors along with their corrective actions is available at the end of this page.

Previewing the Customer’s Services for Transfer
titleStep 2

Then, the Adobe resellers can proceed to the second step of the reseller change process only when:

  1. The provided “Authorization Code“ is eligible.

  2. And the services of the end customer can be sold from the reseller.

Once the provided end customer’s Authorization Code is checked, after the Next button is clicked, the dobe reseller can proceed to thesecond step of the migration process called “Services Preview”. Here, resellers are presented with a preview list containing the end customer’s Adobe service(s) (add-ons) that will be transferred to our platform, under their organization.


The overview list is comprised of the following three columns:

  • Name: In this column, the names of the end customer’s services(add-ons) of the Adobe reseller are presented.

  • Code: In this column, the codes of each service(add-on) are presented. (The Code is shown with its first eight digits to represent the actual product matched and not its pricing level.)

  • Quantity: In this column, the amount of licenses for each service(add-on) is presented.

By acknowledging the list of Adobe service(s) (add-ons) while clicking on the Next button, Adobe resellers proceed to the third step of the migration process.

Selecting a Customer Type
titleSTEP 3

The third step of the process requires Adobe resellers to select the Customer Type for the transfer. There are two options from which to choose. The first choice is the “Existing Customer” radio button which is pre-selected by default, and under the drop-down menu, Adobe resellers can find all their customers that are associated and billed from them (regardless of their Adobe sync status). The second choice is the “New Customer” radio button for transferring a new customer to our platform as a new account that will be associated with the reseller’s account.


Existing Customer

New Customer

Only end customers who are unsynced (or failed) for this Adobe Instance can be selected, by selecting this choice. Our system does not update anything on the customer’s account/contact from the information it gets from Adobe. The only information that is updated is the account’s external ID for the Adobe Instance selected. It is considered the reseller’s responsibility to select wisely the correct customer from the drop-down menu because if a wrong customer is selected the process cannot be reversed.

By selecting this choice, a new customer will be created in our systems, meaning that an account and a contact will be created in the BSS portal as per the following steps. All the required information regarding the account's and contact’s creation will be retrieved from the respective and available information found in the end customer’s Adobe account.

Initiating the Reseller Change Process
titleSTEP 4

After the Adobe reseller defines the above steps and clicks the Next button, the actual reseller change process begins its execution.


During the execution, the following flow occurs. The Adobe reseller’s end customer is transferred from the source reseller to the target reseller, and then the process either updates the existing end customer account or creates a new account along with a new contact in the BSS portal, depending on the choice in the previous step. Finally, the en customer’s Adobe subscription is added to the BSS portal, followed by the services (add-ons) contained within that subscription.

The flow of the transfer execution processes is the following (depending on the customer type choice from the previous 3rd step):

  • Existing Customer:

    1. The Adobe reseller’s end customer and his subscription are transferred from the source (previous) reseller to the destination (new) reseller.

    2. The subscription and its service(add-on) are created under the existing end customer's account in the BSS portal and become visible in the Storefront.

  • New Customer:

    1. The Adobe reseller’s end customer and his subscription are transferred from the source (previous) reseller to the destination (new) reseller.

    2. A new BSS account and contact are created automatically for the new end customer since he becomes registered to the BSS and Storefront portals.

    3. The subscription and its service(add-on) are created under the new customer's account in the BSS and become visible in the Storefront.

At the end of the final stage of the reseller change process, the system will notify the user when the transfer has been completed successfully or alert them in case of an error.

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Pending Invoices

Please note that no pending invoices are transferred or created during the transfer process.

Increase, Decrease, Cancellations & Renewals

The cancellation of any transferred services (add-ons on our side) is not allowed. However, any services(add-ons) purchased after the transfer are available for cancellation.

When you increase the quantity of a transferred subscription, the system will create a new order with Adobe linked to this account. A new debit invoice will then be automatically generated within the platform.

When renewing a subscription, the shell subscription will automatically be created with the auto-renew feature enabled by default. This means that the renewal process on the platform will fail if the auto-renewal setting for a service is disabled in Adobe but enabled on the platform.


Platform users are strongly advised to cancel End of Billing (EOB) for any add-on in Adobe that they do not plan to renew.

Error Message During the Transfer Process

If the following error message appears during the second step of the transfer process it means that something went wrong during the creation of the subscription. “Subscription Migration was not completed successfully.“ By clicking on the arrow symbol “⬇“ next to the error message you can reveal further details about the error. Once the "Try Again" button is clicked, the tool will resume the process from the point where it was previously interrupted.



Error Messages & Corrective Actions

Sometimes something may go wrong either during the actual transfer or during the creation of entities in our systems. In the following table, Adobe resellers can find specific explanations and corrective actions for each possible error that might be displayed during the steps of the reseller change process.

Errors Generated from our System

Step of Appearance

Error Messages & Proposed Corrective Actions

Reasons for Error Messages


Forbidden! Code 403
This means that you have to refresh the page or re-login.

The website cookie has expired.


Your session has expired. Please redirect to Marketplace to access the Reseller Change Tool again.
To correct it, please follow the proposed instructions.

The website session token has expired.


An error occurred during the eligibility check. Please try again.
To correct it, please try refreshing the page or re-login.

A generic error appears when none of the other “1st step” errors apply.


The account transfer for “MembershipID” is not eligible as “SKUID1”, “SKUID2”, were not found in the list of services you can resell. Please contact your distributor.

The customer’s product IDs (SKUs) from Adobe are not the same as the ones we offer based on our database.


Customer already transferred.

The customer has already been transferred.


ServiceError, Internal Server Error

This error, although generic, if it appears during the 3rd step of the transfer process usually means that there is no EDU pricing file uploaded to the Adobe Service Manager instance, and thus the system is unable to define a product price during the migration.


Subscription Migration was not completed successfully. The transfer request is pending in Adobe. Please try again later or contact your distributor.

If an error occurs during the Transfer action and it looks to be pending in Adobe’s side.
⚠️ If Distributors require further clarifications concerning this error message, they have to contact Adobe’s support department.


Subscription Migration was not completed successfully.

Please check the visual stepper to understand at which point the process failed.

If an error occurs during the BSS account or contact creation.

Errors Received Directly from Adobe

Step of Appearance

Error Messages & Proposed Corrective Actions

Reasons for Error Messages


Customer cannot be transferred because there are no admin contacts.

This means that an Admin contact must be defined in the organization’s account in BSS.

The customer cannot be transferred due to a missing Admin contact in BSS.

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Unavailability of the Adobe Reseller Change Tool During the Renewal Period

Adobe does not permit the transfer of an end customer and their subscriptions when they are inside their renewal window period. The renewal window period is 30 days on either side of the anniversary date. So, after the 30 days, once the end customer and their Subscriptions are eligible for transfers, no cancellations are allowed


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