Initiating the Three-Year Commitment (3YC) Request

Initiating the Three-Year Commitment (3YC) Request

The enrollment of a new or existing VIP MP customer to the Adobe three-year commitment (3YC) loyalty program is quite a simple process from both the Storefront and the BSS platform.

New VIP MP Customer

For the new VIP MP customer, the enrollment process to the Adobe three-year commitment (3YC) loyalty program can be initiated from both the Storefront and the BSS platforms. For more information, please check the following two links.


Existing VIP MP Customer

For the existing VIP MP customer, the enrollment process to the Adobe three-year commitment (3YC) loyalty program can be initiated from both the Storefront and the BSS platforms via an existing Adobe VIP MP subscription by selecting the option Adobe 3YC.

Existing Customer - Storefront Enrollment

Existing Customer - BSS Enrollment


Once the Adobe 3YC option is selected, a pop-up window appears where three main sections appear, while there is another hidden section called Request Status that appears after the first submission of the request.

  • The 3YC Status indicates the status of the commitment, which by default is set to the value Uncommitted. Once the request gets accepted by the end customer and the final order with the minimum committed quantities is placed, the value of the status changes to Commited.

  • The Minimum License Quantity displays two fields that the user has to fill in the editable one at the beginning of the request, which is the minimum license quantity they wish to commit to for the three-year period. After the request is dispatched and accepted, and the commitment order is placed, then that number is transferred to the (grey-colored) non-editable numeric field.

  • The Minimum Transaction Quantity displays two fields that the user has to fill in the editable one at the beginning of the request, which is the minimum transaction quantity they wish to commit to for the three-year period. After the request is dispatched and accepted, and the commitment order is placed, then that number is transferred to the (grey-colored) non-editable numeric field.

    • The hidden Request Status appears after the request has been submitted for the first time as well as when the request is accepted, and once visible, it indicates the status of the request, which by default is set to the value Requested. Therefore, once the request gets accepted by the end customer, the status changes its value to Accepted. If seven(7) days have passed from the initial request and the end customer has not accepted the 3YC terms and minimum quantities, then the status changes its value to Expired/Non-compliant.


When the Storefront/BSS user submits a filled-in 3YC request containing at least one of the required minimum quantities (be that Licenses or Transactions or Both) and then clicks the Submit/Proceed button(image1), the request is:

  1. Dispatched to the Adobe Admin Console where the end customer must log in to it and accept the request. At this stage, the request status of this request is set to Requested until the end customer accepts it(image2).

    1. If they do not accept it within 7 days, the request changes its status to Expired(image3). 

    2. If they accept it within 7 days, the request status changes to Accepted(image4). 

  2. When the Storefront/BSS user places the new commitment order, the request will move to the Committed status, and the duration of the new commitment will be displayed next to the status while the quantities will be locked (image5).

Request Not Accepted by the Customer

In the event that 7 days have passed without the end customer accepting the request, a new one can be formed and be re-submitted. Furthermore, a Storefront/BSS user can re-submit/re-proceed a new 3YC request while there is already a committed one.

To do that, they must place the new requested quantities in the respective editable numeric fields and click the Submit/Proceed button again.

  1. More specifically, the display of a new request is similar to the first request, meaning the request status will be Requested until the end customer accepts it (image 6).

    1. If they do not accept it within 7 days, the request will move to an Expired status (image7).

    2. If they do, the request will move to an Accepted status (image8). 

  2. When the Storefront/BSS user places the new commitment order, the request will move to the Committed status, and the duration of the new commitment will be displayed next to the status while the quantities will be locked (image9).

As you can witness from both examples above, after the request gets Accepted by the end customer, the Submit/Proceed button is removed/deactivated from the form. Therefore, the only time that the Storefront/BSS user can proceed with the re-submitting/re-proceeding of a 3YC request is either at the beginning, after another request has been previously submitted, or after a request has expired or been rejected.

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