Publish Subscription's Promotion Details to the Storefront

Publish Subscription's Promotion Details to the Storefront


This page offers information on publishing extra (custom) fields to the "Subscription" view page in Storefront for Microsoft NCE subscriptions. These custom fields are created automatically by the system via the Get Services Definition process of any Microsoft service manager instance for the Subscriptions entity, and address the Microsoft New Commerce Experience (NCE) promotions. These fields are non-editable, since they offer to the Storefront user more information on the promotion specifics of those NCE subscriptions.

Publishing Promotion Extra Fields in the NCE “Subscriptions” View Page

If you want to display more information to your customers concerning the NCE promotion details (if applicable) of an NCE Subscription in Storefront, you can publish any of the four systemic subscription custom fields (Catalog Offer Id, Promotion ID, Promotion Discount (%), and Promotion End Date) on the "Subscription" view page, which are non-editable:

  1. Navigate to BSS Setup > Billing > Subscriptions > Custom Fields.

  2. Click the Microsoft Cloud Services option (or the name that you have chosen for your Microsoft Service Manager Instance that you have run the Get Services Definition process) and the four systemic custom fields appear on the right part of the screen.


  3. You can enable and publish each one of those four systemic custom fields by clicking on one of those custom fields and selecting the tab Advanced Options. In there, just enable the checkbox Show in Storefront for publishing this custom field on the NCE "Subscription " view page in Storefront.


The NCE Subscription custom field(s) that you will select to publish on the NCE "Subscription" view page is displayed above the What You Pay section in Storefront.


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