Managing Subscriptions that Failed to be Provisioned

Managing Subscriptions that Failed to be Provisioned

Usual Reasons for Customer-level Synchronization Failure

Customer-level synchronization usually fails for one of the following reasons:

  • Invalid postal code

  • Missing contact information (e.g., phone number, corporate e-mail, address)

  • Customer’s name exceeds number of characters allowed by Microsoft

  • Issue with Domain Prefix when new Microsoft Tenant is created

Provisioning Failure Reasons & Causes

Possible failure reasons:

  • Execution of an order

  • Subscription creation

  • Quantity change

  • Addition or removal of an add-on

The causes are:

  • Microsoft API outage

  • Selected quantity exceeds quantity allowed by Microsoft


This video shows the most common causes of provisioning failure on the customer or subscription levels:

Please note that this and many other training videos can be found in our Academy at: https://interworkscloud.talentlms.com/